Good inexpensive hosting for resource-intensive sitesGood inexpensive hosting for resource-intensive sites Cheap Reseller Hosting USA stands apart for those sites that, although small in size, are capable of consuming significant server resources. Imagine that on some domain that has only one web page, there is a very popular game that is based on flash technology, and many netizens are just eager to enjoy it. It is quite clear that such a resource, despite its small size, will significantly load the web server, and when peak loads are reached, it will become completely inaccessible. For the normal and stable operation of this resource, you need to purchase a more productive and expensive hosting on a dedicated server. As a result, even for a small Internet site, hosting cannot be given any unambiguous solutions for its placement. Only a detailed analysis is the only way you can find the optimal solution, not spend extra money on a good inexpensive hosting, creating the best working conditions for your small project. And search engines will definitely love it, even despite its small size.