3. Write six tips on how we can save the Earth.3. Write six tips on how we can save the Earth.
1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the given words. One word is odd.
A) waste; B) pollution; C) collecting; D)recycled; E)Paper; F) logo.
2. Open the brackets using forms of Conditional I.
1. If people work together our planet will be saved. 2. If air is polluted we will breathe toxic gases. 3. If you throw away rubbish into the bin our streets will be cleaner. 4. We will save nature if we recycle used materials. 5. If factories give off toxic gases the ozone layer will be destroyed. 6. There will be smog in cities if factories and plants pollute air. 7. If waste is dumped in the oceans lots of fish, animals and plants will die out. 8. If the global warming continues the polar ice will melt.
3. Write six tips on how we can save the Earth. Possible tips: ü we can recycle waste; ü we can protect animals and plants; ü we can save recourses: energy, gas, water, oil; ü we can use more of solar, wind and water power to produce energy; ü we can reduce the use of plastic things; ü we can keep our surrounding clean and safe; ü we can walk or ride a bike instead of driving a car; ü we can live green.