WOULD I DO THE TASK? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
НАЗАД В БУДУЩЕЕ FutureinthePast: Simple Структура:
Perfect Структура: Continuous Структура: Perfect Continuous Структура:
Примеры: Simple I would do the task. She would agree with me. We would go there next year.
I would have done the task. She would have agreed with me. We would have gone there bynext year.
Continuous I would be doing the task. She would be thinking about the agreement with me. We would be going to go there next year.
I would have been doing the task. She would have been thinking about the agreement with me since our meeting. We would have been going to go there by next year.
I WOULD DO THE TASK. I WOULD NOT DO THE TASK. Verb list Declare Ask Mention Tell Inform Remind Promise Offer Suggest Cry Apologize Thank Beg for forgiveness Advice Command Confess