WOULD I DO THE TASK? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
НАЗАД В БУДУЩЕЕ FutureinthePast: Simple Структура:
Perfect Структура: Continuous Структура: Perfect Continuous Структура:
Примеры: Simple I would do the task. She would agree with me. We would go there next year.
I would have done the task. She would have agreed with me. We would have gone there bynext year.
Continuous I would be doing the task. She would be thinking about the agreement with me. We would be going to go there next year.
I would have been doing the task. She would have been thinking about the agreement with me since our meeting. We would have been going to go there by next year.
WOULD I DO THE TASK? Отрицание: I WOULD DO THE TASK. I WOULD NOT DO THE TASK. Verb list Declare Ask Mention Tell Inform Remind Promise Offer Suggest Cry Apologize Thank Beg for forgiveness Advice Command Confess