


Случайная статья

Konstantin Funtikov

                                                                                               Konstantin Funtikov


                                 Grammatical Category

The term " grammatical category" refers to specific properties of a word that can cause that word and/or a related word to change in form for grammatical reasons (ensuring agreement between words). For example, the word " boy" is a noun. Nouns have a grammatical category called " number ". The values of number are singular (one) and plural (two or more).

1. The boy is playing.

2. The boy s are playing.

In sentence 1, " boy" is in its basic form, giving its " number" the value of singular. There is one boy and the related auxiliary verb " to be" is in the singular form (is). In sentence 2, the form of " boy" has changed to " boys", giving its " number" the value of plural. There is more than one boy and the related " to be" is in the plural form (are). In the above example, the " number" of " boy" influences the form of boy, and also influences the form of a related word (be). " Number" is a " grammatical category".

English has over twenty grammatical categories. Below the most common ones for English learners are listed and their main features are summarized.


Number is a property of nouns and pronouns, and indicates quantity. Number has two values:

  • singular: indicates one only
  • plural: indicates two or more


Case is a property of pronouns and nouns, and expresses their relationship to the rest of the sentence. Case has three values (two of which do not apply to nouns):

  • subjective (pronouns only): when the word is the subject
  • objective (pronouns only): when the word is the object
  • possessive (pronouns and nouns): when the word indicates possession (ownership)


Natural gender is a property of pronouns, and differentiates the sexes. Natural gender has three values:

  • masculine: indicates male
  • feminine: indicates female
  • neuter: indicates everything else


Person is a property of pronouns, and differentiates participants in a conversation. Person has three values:

  • first person: refers to the speaker
  • second person: refers to the hearer
  • third person: refers to all other people or things


Tense is a property of verbs, and most closely corresponds with location in time. Tense has two values:

  • past: indicates before now
  • present: indicates now (and sometimes before and after now)


Aspect is a property of verbs, and expresses our view of the time structure of an activity or state. Aspect has three values:

  • simple: the time has no structure
  • continuous: expresses ongoing action
  • perfect: expresses completed action


Mood is a property of verbs, and relates to the speaker's feelings about the reality of what he is saying. Mood has three values:

  • indicative: expresses simple statement of fact
  • imperative: expresses command
  • subjunctive: expresses something desired or imagined


Voice is a property of transitive verbs*, and expresses the relationship of the subject to the action. Voice has two values:

  • active: the subject does the action
  • passive: the subject receives the action


Degree is a property of gradable adjectives and adverbs, and indicates amount. Degree has three values:

  • positive: indicates a basic quality
  • comparative: indicates a greater quality
  • superlative: indicates the maximum quality




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