WHY IS IT IMPORTANT?. HOW DOES IT WORK? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Are we ready to concentrate on solving common problems in spite of our differences? Help to sound out public opinion on important issues of modern age.
· Make your contribution into development of society without xenophobia; · Inspire others, show an example of unindifference; · Share your vision of the contemporary world; · Get to know who your global fellow-thinkers are; · Send the link to your friends and see how they’ll answer the questions; · Add your question and see how people from other countries will answer it.
HOW DOES IT WORK? People from all over the world take their photo with the poster “I still believe in humans” and complete the survey (only 12 questions). Having received your answers and a photo, we publish them on our website http: //anthropcl. ru/
We were inspired by “Human”, a project by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Our experiment can also become a global project if it gets your support and participation.
We kindly ask you to take your photo with the last page (i. e page n. 6) from this file (or handwrite " I still believe in humans" on a sheet of paper and take your photo with it), send it to us with your answers. With your permission we’ll publish your answers and your photo on our website (please, confirm your consent for publishing in your message to us).
Email us at anthropcl@gmail. com Our website: http: //anthropcl. ru/
Here are examples of the interviews published on our website http: //anthropcl. ru/category/vsyo-eshhyo-veryu-v-lyudey/
This girl is showing you an example VARVARA (RUSSIA)
http: //anthropcl. ru/