6. ПеределайтеследующиепредложениявthePresentSimpleTense. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 6. ПеределайтеследующиепредложениявthePresentSimpleTense. 1. He wrote a letter. 2. The artist drew a picture. 3. The ladies drank cups of tea. 4. The cat went up the tree. 5. We understood the story. 6. The boy ate the ice-cream. 7. I saw your brother in the field. 8. Henry went to London every day. 9. The boy put his books on the table. 10. The men put their books on the table. 11. They wrote letters from South America. 12. She wrote letters from South America. 13. They went to the theatre every week. 14. He went to the theatre every week. 15. We all understood this lesson.
7. Поставьтеследующиепредложениявотрицательнуюивопросительнуюформы. 1. He will arrive tomorrow morning. 2. He will go to Stockholm next spring. 3. They will return in two hours. 4. It will rain tomorrow. 5. She will be home at eight o'clock. 6. It will be cold this winter. 7. I will take part in that concert. 8. Liz will give you a lift to town. 9. It will be cold in the evening. 10. They will perhaps publish this dictionary in spring. 11. They will issue a low-priced edition of this book next month. 12. He will do anything to get free. 13. Someone will take care of the child. 14. They will return in a month or so.