necessary, natural, odd, strange, funny, wrong, sad, intolerable, probable,Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒
Грызулина ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences with the suppositional mood and subjunctive I in subject clauses, comment on the adjectives after which these clauses are used. 1. It is very natural that she should wish to meet her. (I. Murd. ) 2. It was not strange that he should so heartlessly have betrayed his friends’ confidence, nor that he hesitated not at all to gratify a whim at the cost of another’s misery. (S. M. ) 3. It was unthinkable that in a few short hours he should look like another man. (S. M. ) 4. It was preposterous that he should permit himself to be disturbed by a mere servant, a common youngster from the town, ... (Cron. ) 5. It is odd that the conversation should have taken this turn. (P. W. ) 6. It was advisable, I thought, that Miss Lawson should not be aware of what had happened. (A. Chr. ) 7. It was not surprising his marriage with Beatrice should prove disastrous. (Law. ) 8. I am Lady Horbury. I consider it absolutely outrageous that I should be detained in this manner. (A. Chr. ) 9. “Anyhow, it’s quite unnecessary that you should know, ” said my uncle. (S. M. ) 10. It was incredible that the big town below him should be full of Germans, fanatically devoted to their Fuhrer, ... (N. Sh. ) 11. It was cruel that his extreme unhappiness should have in it something of buffoonery. (S. M. ) 12. It was agreed that 1 should go as soon as possible to camp at Lawndcs Square. (I. Murd. ) 13. But, I think, Hastings, that we shall be a little quicker than he is. It is important, I think, that we should be. (A. Chr. ) 14. It is most necessary that she should be there. (A. Chr. ) 15. It was funny that a little unexpected kindness should so affect her. (S. M. ) 16. It was curious that on a sudden she should be so nervous. (S. M. ) 17. It was desirable that Althea should be paying more attention to her appearance. (P. Went. ) 18. It is inevitable that in it 1 should say many things that I have said before. (S. M. ) 19. It outraged me that he should slop me in the street. (S. M. ) 20. It was advisable that Miss Lawson should not be aware of what had happened. (A. Chr. ) 21. “It’s most unlikely they should know her. (Cron. ) 22. It was essential that he get his back put right at once and consult his good friend Dr. Muller. (Cron. ) 23. It was so terribly important to Ann that these people believe she came from what they considered a proper background. (Slyke) Грызулина exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with corresponding adjectives from the fist below. necessary, natural, odd, strange, funny, wrong, sad, intolerable, probable,