John Huss. From foolishness to faithJohn Huss Early in his monastic career, Martin Luther, rummaging through the stacks of a library, happened upon a volume of sermons by John Huss, the Bohemian who had been condemned as a heretic. " I was overwhelmed with astonishment, " Luther later wrote. " I could not understand for what cause they had burnt so great a man, who explained the Scriptures with so much gravity and skill. " From foolishness to faith Huss was born to peasant parents in " Goosetown, " that is, Husinec, in the south of today's Czech Republic. (In his twenties, he shortened his name to Huss—" goose, " and he and his friends delighted in making puns on his name; it was a tradition that continued, especially with Luther, who reminded his followers of the " goose" who had been " cooked" for defying the pope). To escape poverty, Huss trained for the priesthood: " I had thought to become a priest quickly in order to secure a good livelihood and dress and to be held in esteem by men. " He earned a bachelor's, master's, and then finally a doctorate. Along the way he was ordained (in 1401) and became the preacher at Prague's Bethlehem Chapel (which held 3, 000), the most popular church in one of the largest of Europe's cities, a center of reform in Bohemia (for example, sermons were preached in Czech, not Latin). During these years, Huss underwent a change. Though he spent some time with what he called a " foolish sect, " he finally discovered the Bible: " When the Lord gave me knowledge of Scriptures, I discharged that kind of stupidity from my foolish mind. " The writings of John Wycliffe had stirred his interest in the Bible, and these same writings were causing a stir in Bohemia (technically the northeastern portion of today's Czech Republic, but a general term for the area where the Czech language and culture prevailed). The University of Prague was already split between Czechs and Germans, and Wycliffe's teachings only divided them more. Early debates hinged on fine points of philosophy (the Czechs, with Wycliffe, were realists; the Germans nominalists). A political struggle ensued, with the Germans labeling Wycliffe and his followers heretics. With the support of the king of Bohemia, the Czechs gained the upper hand, and the Germans were forced to flee to other universities. The situation was complicated by European politics, which watched as two popes vied to rule all of Christendom. A church council was called at Pisa in 1409 to settle the matter. It deposed both popes and elected Alexander V as the legitimate pontiff (though the other popes, repudiating this election, continued to rule their factions). Alexander was soon " persuaded" —that is, bribed—to side with Bohemian church authorities against Huss, who continued to criticize them. Huss was forbidden to preach and excommunicated, but only on paper: with local Bohemians backing him, Huss continued to preach and minister at Bethlehem Chapel. When Alexander V's successor, the antipope John XXIII (not to be confused with the modern pope by the same name), authorized the selling of indulgences to raise funds for his crusade against one of his rivals, Huss was scandalized and further radicalized. The pope was acting in mere self-interest, and Huss could no longer justify the pope's moral authority. He leaned even more heavily on the Bible, which he proclaimed the final authority for the church. Huss further argued that the Czech people were being exploited by the pope's indulgences, which was a not-so-veiled attack on the Bohemian king, who earned a cut of the indulgence proceeds.