Unscramble the sentences. Verb to be ReviewUnscramble the sentences Verb to be Review 1. Organize the sentences and write each in the space below of the chart. There is one extra word in each chart.
2. Write the equivalent pronoun to the following nouns.
· Maria, Julian and I = ___________ · My dog and I = ___________ · The windows = ___________ · Your mother = ___________ · Their dogs = ___________ 3. Complete the sentences using the correct conjugation of be.
· His dog _______ running in the park · Raul and me ______ brothers · My mom and your mom ______ dentists · I ______ not fat and tall · The car ______ in front of the house
Answer sheet
1. . Luis and Kelly are not under the tree Where is Maria studying English in the morning? Juliana is not an excellent tennis player That is a big and white house Are Tomas and you in the same course? My grandfather is veteran of the civil war There are a lot of students in the course How many English instructors are there in SENA?
2. . We We They She They
3. . Is Are Are Am Is