Social Distancing Is A “CIA Protocol” That Amounts To Torture (Video)Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
I ADD SOME INFO FOR YOU: https: //youtu. be/y1aBflReuIs == FBI Chief Ted Gunderon. IMAGE: Virily https: //www. winterwatch. net/2020/12/retired-fbi-chief-ted-gunderson-revealed-star-chamber-justice-system-in-macdonald-case/ ==
= https: //prepareforchange. net/2019/03/17/the-best-documentary-ever-pedophiles-run-the-world-by-ted-gunderson-former-head-of-los-angeles-fbi/ = https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=1XyENzULRY8 = - https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=ZVoGiZDBXnk = https: //www. scribd. com/document/63712523/Ted-Gunderson-the-Finders
== https: //censoredbyjack. com/watch? id=5f8cf29b74bbbf14c54854a1 = https: //youtu. be/2mQaPRjIaLU = https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=t_KMVBiAo0k == https: //www. rlighthouse. com/targeted-individuals. html = = Global gangstalking and covid-19 scamdemic are both unconventional war-global phoenix program to achieve “great reset; ” “go-direct” to digital currency-cyborg slavery-ai police state; un agenda 2030; & antichrist kingdom -- » Gang Stalking » Organized gang stalking/electronic harassment IS a “global Phoenix Program. ” https: //911nwo. com/? p=12753 == Social Distancing Is A “CIA Protocol” That Amounts To Torture (Video) In a video that couldn’t be found anywhere on YouTube (which isn’t a big surprise), a woman blasts social distancing as a “CIA protocol” the amounts to torture. She says that the world’s governments are using social distancing to destabilize the mental health of the entire planet. Keep in mind … Continue readingSocial Distancing Is A “CIA Protocol” That Amounts To Torture (Video)