


Случайная статья

Registration fees are not required for participation in the conference.

Registration fees are not required for participation in the conference.


Call for papers

  Materials for publication must be fulfilled in a text editor Microsoft Office Word

(*. doc, *. rtf). Page size - A4, margins - all 2 cm. Text formatting: typeface Times New Roman, size 14 pt, first line indentation 1. 25 cm, single line spacing, text alignment to page width, orientation - portrait, without page setting. Volume - up to 4 pages.

The title should contain: the title (in capital letters), on a new line - the surnames and initials of the authors (if you have foreign citizenship, the name of the country is written in brackets), on a new line - the surname and initials of the scientific supervisor, on a new line - the institution, city. The title of the article is printed in the middle of the line in capital letters.

The list of references is located after the text, the sources are numbered in alphabetical order. The bibliographic description is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7. 1-2003. Footnotes in the text are made out in square brackets, the number of the source in the list of references is in the first place, the page number is after the comma, if required.

Models of the application and material design are presented in Appendices 1, 2.

The number of co-authors is no more than three people. Only original materials that have not been published before are accepted for publication (all materials will be checked in the Antiplagiat vuz. ru system).

For participation in the conference you should send a letter containing an application and materials for publication in electronic form to the e-mail address of Organizing Committee rzn-conference@mail. ru before February 7, 2022. Please send the application and materials in one letter in different files.

The subject of the letter should include the word " conference", the participants’ names and initials and the city: " Conference. Ivanov I. I. Ryazan".

The name of the file containing the application should include the word “Application”, the authors’ surname and initials, for example: “Application. Ivanov


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