Name : ___ Grade: ___ No.. E I WANT TO DO SPORTS.
Name: _______________________________ Grade: ___________________ No.
| Answers:
| Example: Do you want to go snowboarding?
Do you want to play hockey?
| Yes, I do.
No, I don't.
| Do you want to…?
Sign, please. Thanks.
| Yes, I do. // No, I don't.
I don’t understand. What does it mean?
Find a student who …
| Student's name:
| Student's signature:
| 1. wants to goskiing
| 2. wants to go swimming
| 3. wants to go skating
| 4. wants to godiving
| 5. wants to go snowboarding
| 6. wants to playhockey
| 7. wants to play tennis
| 8. wants to playsoccer
| 9. wants to play football
| 10. wants to playbasketball
| 11. wants to gocycling
| 12. wants to go fishing
| 13. wants to go jogging
| 14. wants to gohorseback riding
| 15. wants to go cross-country skiing
| 16. wants to dogymnastics
| 17. wants to dokarate
| 18. wants to go bowling
| 19. wants to go skateboarding
| 20. wants to go snowmobiling
| E ©Agnieszka 2005
Date: ______________________________ How many students agreed to do sports with you? __________________