5: Выводы. 6: Источники. Biography 1777-1798 years5: Выводы Я изучил биографию Карла Фридриха Гаусса, понял что он является очень интересной личностью. Его познания в математических науках поражают воображение, он был очень одаренным человеком, я очень заинтересовался его жизьню и поэтому подготовил проект, рассказывающий о его достижениях, познании и отрытиях.
6: Источники https: //ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/%D0%93%D0%B0%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81, _%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BB_%D0%A4%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%85
https: //spacegid. com/biografiya-karla-gaussa. html
https: //ruspekh. ru/people/karl-fridrikh-gauss
7: English version Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (30 April 1777, Braunschweig — 23 February 1855, gö ttingen) was a German mathematician, mechanic, physicist, astronomer and geodesist. He is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, the " king of mathematicians". Recipient of the Copley medal (1838), member of the Royal society of London (1804), foreign member of the Paris (1820) and Swedish (1821) academies of science, foreign corresponding member (1802) and honorary member (1824) of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences
Biography 1777-1798 years Born in the German Duchy of Braunschweig. Gauss's grandfather was a poor farmer; his father, Gebhard Dietrich Gauss, was a gardener, bricklayer, and canal supervisor; and his mother, Dorothea Benz, was the daughter of a bricklayer. Being illiterate, the mother did not write down the date of birth of her son, remembering only that he was born on Wednesday, eight days before the ascension holiday, which is celebrated 40 days after Easter. In 1799, Gauss calculated the exact date of his birth, developing a method for determining the date of Easter for any year Already at the age of two, the boy proved to be a child Prodigy. At the age of three, he could read and write, even correcting his father's arithmetic mistakes. There is a story in which a young Gauss performed an arithmetic calculation much faster than all his classmates; usually when describing this episode, the calculation of the sum of numbers from 1 to 100 is mentioned, but the source of this is unknown. Until his old age, he was used to doing most of the calculations in his mind.