USE OF ENGLISH 8. WORD STORE 8. USE OF ENGLISH 9. WORD STORE 9 ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 7D 2 blowing 3 fetched 4 packed 5 witted 6 fisted 7E 1 time-worn 2 immortal 3 full-length 4 warring 5 raw 6 epic 7F 2 egal 3 ultural 4 roperty 5 reative 6 op-up 7 ublic 8 edevelopment 9 one USE OF ENGLISH 8 1A 2C 3C 4B 5B
2does she insist on being called 3what he regrets not checking/what he regrets not having checked 4be reminded to apologise to them 5to be threatening to launch/to have threatened to launch
WORD STORE 8 8A 2 multitasking 3 underestimate 4 pseudo-facts 5 misinformation 6 self-imposed 7 overload 8B 2 taking its toll 3 blinker ourselves 4 cluttering your thoughts 5 prioritising tasks 6 detect bias 8C 2 crosses 3 in 4 out 5 business 6 manners 7 absent 8 tough 8E 2 comes 3 gains 4 reaps 5 rings 6 taken USE OF ENGLISH 9 2rise/grow/increase/climb 3does 4point 5taken
2would appreciate it if they 3do we hear of swimmers being 4you got rid of 5I got there did I realise WORD STORE 9 9A 2 paramount 3 radical 4 boost 5 remorseless 6 tackling 7 constitute 8 catastrophic 9 substantial 9B 2 biodiversity 3 emissions 4 agricultural industrialisation 5 deforestation 6 agribusiness 7 livestock sector 8 sustainable 9C 1 bull 2 dog 3 duck 4 goose 5 bird 6 horse 9D 2 d 3 e 4 b 5 a 9E 1 aid 2oundation, individual 3 ction, damage 4 ission, force 5 rganisation, relations 9F 2 taken into account 3 get rid of 4 brought back 5 astonished 6 grew successfully 7 observed