F. He lives at the North Pole with his wife Mrs Claus. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 F. He lives at the North Pole with his wife Mrs Claus. He takes some hot tea, some sandwiches with cheese and pickle and a warmer. And this is rather strange as most people believe that Santa is not afraid of cold.
F. or partially F as Mrs Claus finds a letter as well. Australia Rudolf
angry Tiger 6 (7 in 2 weeks) F. She has a lot of red dresses in her wardrobe. helicopter / jet chimney. Because her husband uses chimneys to get inside (other ideas are also possible)
under the Christmas tree T trainers / sneakers / shoes
F She is not sleeping but Mrs Claus wants her husband to think so. F. Mrs Claus has some secrets from her husband. present https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=V5QPXhStb5I& list=LL& index=5& t=11s