CHAPTER 82“UMBRELLA IS ONE MINUTE out. ” “One minute, Freddy, it’s game time. ” “Roger that. ” The Agency sat phone vibrated just as the band fired up, playing whatever the Russian equivalent was to “Hail to the Chief” as President Zubarev took to the stage. Reece held his hand over the radio earpiece on his left ear and put the phone up to his right. “Donovan. ” “It’s Andy. We think one of the FSO agents served with Andrenov’s head of security. His name is Gregory Isay. ” “Say it again, Andy, it’s really loud here. ” “FSO agent Gregory Isay may be your shooter! ” Fuck! Reece communicated the name to Scheer, who made a radio call of her own. He then hit the transmit button on his radio. “Freddy, FSO Agent Gregory Isay could be our shooter. Scheer is finding out where he is. ” Reece and Freddy began frantically searching the rooftops as they waited for information from Scheer. On nearly every high building they saw a pair of figures staring through either binoculars or spotting scopes, scanning their assigned areas for threats. On the nearby roof of a pink and white corner building, Strain saw a Russian sniper with no sign of an American counterpart. He looked around for a path to the building from his high perch on the pedestrian bridge. The street below was too far to drop. He would break both his legs if he were lucky. Running farther to the west, Freddy found what he was looking for and swung his slung HK416 behind his back and out of the way. He climbed over the bridge’s six-foot chain-link railing. I’m too old for this. He took a deep breath and dropped onto the tiled roof of a two-story apartment building below. He half-slid, half-ran down the roof before dropping another floor down to the flat roof next door, twisting his ankle as he landed. Limping across the flat roof, he swung his legs over the side, finding the stone wall with the toe of his boot, and dropped six feet onto the roof of a Volvo sedan parked on the sidewalk. Hobbling across the intersection as fast as his tender ankle allowed him with his weapon trained on the roofline, Freddy moved toward his new objective. Out of breath from the exertion, he keyed the mic button attached to his armor: “Reece, I’m headed to a building northwest of your position. I think that’s where the shooter is. ” “Roger that! I’m having Scheer send people there now to support. ” Freddy took the three doorway steps as fast as he could with his injured ankle and jerked on the wood-framed glass door. Locked. Without hesitation, he smashed through the glass with the suppressor and raked away the standing panes before stepping inside. The ground floor of the three-story building was a clothing boutique that was dark except for the sunlight filtering through the canopied windows. Using the light mounted on his weapon’s rail, he located the unlocked back door and made entry. An old wooden stairway began at the end of the narrow hallway behind the door and he moved as quickly as he could while searching the area above for potential threats. Don’t rush to your death. Freddy had made his way up four flights of stairs and was turning the corner to approach the third floor. It was dead quiet inside the building but for the creaks of the stairs below his feet. It actually startled him when the radio came alive in his ear. “Freddy, the countersniper at your location is not answering his radio call. Alpha Group is moving toward your location, but I doubt they’re going to get there in time to help. ” Freddy keyed his mic twice in understanding.