CHAPTER 63THE TWO SEALS WATCHED the video in the team room, Reece taking notes while Freddy paced the room anxiously. They had watched it in real time but now reviewed it segment by segment with Mo. Mo pressed the pause button when Landry mentioned General Qusim Yedid. “I know this man; know of him, I should say. He was in charge of finding members of the various resistance factions in Assad’s army. His tactics were brutal. If he even suspected someone of being a traitor, he would order the family rounded up and torture the wife and daughters. If the man didn’t have a wife, he’d find the mother or even the grandmother. I’m probably not as squeamish about such things as you Americans are, but even I am disgusted by this man. It was also rumored he was a primary advocate of using chemical weapons against villages with questionable loyalties. ” “Why would Grey take the risk of going straight to this Syrian? Why not continue to use Landry as a cutout? ” “Trust? ” Freddy guessed. “He was losing confidence in Landry? ” “Maybe, or maybe because whatever they’re planning is big enough to blow Grey’s cover, ” Reece speculated. “Maybe it’s both? Grey is a highly placed agent in the CIA. That would have to be one big mission. That’s not typical for a long-term plant. ” “Remember, we are not talking about a Foreign Intelligence Service here, ” Reece reminded his friend. “Now we know that we are dealing with an individual. A super-empowered individual. This is bigger and more complex than we’ve suspected so far. See what else you can find out, Mo. Landry has to have more in that head of his that can help us. This is potentially actionable intel on a major attack. We need details. ” “Gladly. ” Mo put down the remote and left the room. “What do we do about Grey? ” Reece asked. “I’ll call Vic. He’ll get the counterintel guys on him and start working things from his end. ” Five minutes later, Freddy was talking to Rodriguez from the facility’s secure conference room. • • • “Grey is a senior analyst at the Russian desk, ” confirmed Rodriguez. “He’s had overseas postings in Central and South America. He’s currently on leave in Portugal. We just checked with the hotel on his approved leave papers and he never checked in. No one has heard from him. He’s disappeared. ” Hanging up the phone, Freddy relayed the new information to Reece. “I don’t like this, Freddy; it smells like something moving into a final phase. Grey left before he knew we had Landry, so he wasn’t spooked. This was deliberate. Whatever it is will happen soon. ” “I agree. Vic is going to do some more digging on Grey. In the meantime, he suggested that we talk to a guy named Andy Danreb. I don’t know him, but Vic says that if anyone is going to know anything about some Russian they call ‘the Colonel, ’ it’s Andy. ” “Let’s call him. ” “That’s where it gets prickly; Andy is old-school. He’s an analog guy. If we want him to help us, we’ve got to go to him. He’s at Langley. ” “They’re really going to let me, the guy that blew up the WARCOM commander and shot the SECDEF, into CIA headquarters? ” “Yep. ” “Guess I better find those nice clothes they bought me in Istanbul. ”