1. Can you teach a monkey to tell the time?
1. Can you teach a monkey to tell the time? No, I can’t. But I don’t think it’s possible. Monkeys can be intelligent but not that intelligent.
2. Can you talk to two people on the phone at the same time? No, I can’t. I have only one mouth.
3. Can you say sorry after a quarrel? Yes, I can. If I did something wrong, of course.
4. Can you open a bottle of champagne? No, I can’t. I tried once but then I broke the window with the cork.
5. Can you make pop corn? Yes, I can. We have these pop corn packets that you just need to put in the microwave and it’s done in a couple of minutes.
6. Can you draw a good portrait of someone? No, I can’t. I can only draw stick figures.
7. Can you make a silly face? Yes, of course I can. Everybody can. Look.
8. Can you play the drums? Yes, I can. I play in a band with some friends, and I’m the drummer.
9. Can you ski? No, I can’t. But I’m planning to try it this winter because everyone keeps telling me how exciting it is.
10. Can you wash your clothes? No, I can’t. My mum does the washing for the whole family.
11. Can you stand on one hand, with your legs in the air? No, I can’t. I mean I never tried. Maybe I can. Hold a second, let me try.
12. Can you eat a watermelon all by yourself? No, I don’t think I can. A watermelon is huge. It takes a family to eat it.