Biography Of William Shakespeare ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Biography Of William Shakespeare prepared by Andrey Stefanyuk William was born in 1564 in the small town of Stratford-upon-Avon. The exact date of his birth is unknown. Little Shakespeare attended the local " grammar" school, where he studied rhetoric, Latin and grammar. He learned folklore and later copied many of the characters in his works from the people of Stratford-upon-Avon. Shakespeare was hardworking, especially since life forced him to start working early. When William was 16 years old, he tried out as a village teacher and apprentice in a butcher shop. William was offered a job as a theatrical playwright. His comedies and tragedies were performed by the Servants of the Lord Chamberlain, who occupied one of the leading places among London theatrical groups. In 1594, William became co-owner of the company. In 1603, after the death of Queen Elizabeth, the collective was renamed " servants of the king". From 1589 to 1613, William composed most of his works. His early works consist mainly of Chronicles and comedies.