The Strings 2 страницаIn every room, save Radar’s, their home was awash in black Santadom — plaster and plastic and marble and clay and wood and resin and cloth. In total, Radar’s parents owned more than twelve hundred black Santas of various sorts. As a plaque beside their front door proclaimed, Radar’s house was an officially registered Santa Landmark according to the Society for Christmas. “You just gotta tell her, man, ” I said. “You just gotta say, ‘Angela, I really like you, but there’s something you need to know: when we go to my house and hook up, we’ll be watched by the twenty-four hundred eyes of twelve hundred black Santas. ” Radar ran a hand through his buzz cut and shook his head. “Yeah, I don’t think I’ll put it exactly like that, but I’ll deal with it. ” I headed off to government, Ben to an elective about video game design. I watched clocks through two more classes, and then finally the relief radiated out of my chest when I was finished— the end of each day like a dry run for our graduation less than a month away.
I went home. I ate two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as an early dinner. I watched poker on TV. My parents came home at six, hugged each other, and hugged me. We ate a macaroni casserole as a proper dinner. They asked me about school. They asked me about prom. They marveled at what a wonderful job they’d done raising me. They told me about their days dealing with people who had been raised less brilliantly. They went to watch TV. I went to my room to check my email. I wrote a little bit about The Great Gatsby for English. I read some of The Federalist Papers as early prep for my government final. I IM’ed with Ben, and then Radar came online. In our conversation, he used the phrase “the world’s largest collection of black Santas” four times, and I laughed each time. I told him I was happy for him, having a girlfriend. He said it would be a great summer. I agreed. It was May fifth, but it didn’t have to be. My days had a pleasant identicalness about them. I had always liked that: I liked routine. I liked being bored. I didn’t want to, but I did. And so May fifth could have been any day — until just before midnight, when Margo Roth Spiegelman slid open my screenless bedroom window for the first time since telling me to close it nine years before.
I swiveled around when I heard the window open, and Margo’s blue eyes were staring back at me. Her eyes were all I could see at first, but as my vision adjusted, I realized she was wearing black face paint and a black hoodie. “Are you having cybersex? ” she asked. “I’m IM’ing with Ben Starling. ” “That doesn’t answer my question, perv. ” I laughed awkwardly, then walked over and knelt by the window, my face inches from hers. I couldn’t imagine why she was here, in my window, like this. “To what do I owe the pleasure? ” I asked. Margo and I were still friendly, I guess, but we weren’t meet-in-the-dead-of-night-wearing-black-face-paint friendly. She had friends for that, I’m sure. I just wasn’t among them. “I need your car, ” she explained. “I don’t have a car, ” I said, which was something of a sore point for me. “Well, I need your mom’s car. ” “You have your own car, ” I pointed out. Margo puffed out her cheeks and sighed. “Right, but the thing is that my parents have taken the keys to my car and locked them inside a safe, which they put under their bed, and Myrna Mount-weazel”— who was her dog—“is sleeping inside their room. And Myrna Mountweazel has a freaking aneurysm whenever she catches sight of me. I mean, I could totally sneak in there and steal the safe and crack it and get my keys out and drive away, but the thing is that it’s not even worth trying because Myrna Mountweazel is just going to bark like crazy if I so much as crack open the door. So like I said, I need a car. Also, I need you to drive it, because I have to do eleven things tonight, and at least five of them involve a getaway man. ” When I let my sight unfocus, she became nothing but eyes, floating in the ether. And then I locked back on her, and I could see the outline of her face, the paint still wet against her skin. Her cheekbones triangulating into her chin, her pitch-black lips barely turned to a smile. “Any felonies? ” I asked. “Hmm, ” said Margo. “Remind me if breaking and entering is a felony. ” “No, ” I answered firmly. “No it’s not a felony or no you won’t help? ” “No I won’t help. Can’t you enlist some of your underlings to drive you around? ” Lacey and/or Becca were always doing her bidding. “They’re part of the problem, actually, ” Margo said. “What’s the problem? ” I asked. “There are eleven problems, ” she said somewhat impatiently. “No felonies, ” I said. “I swear to God that you will not be asked to commit a felony. ” And right then, the floodlights came on all around Margo’s house. In one swift motion, she somersaulted through my window, into my room, and then rolled beneath my bed. Within seconds, her dad was standing on the patio outside. “Margo! ” he shouted. “I saw you! ” From beneath my bed, I heard a muffled, “Oh, Christ. ” Margo scooted out from under the bed, stood up, walked to the window, and said, “Come on, Dad. I’m just trying to have a chat with Quentin. You’re always telling me what a fantastic influence he could be on me and everything. ” “Just chatting with Quentin? ” “Yes. ” “Then why are you wearing black face paint? ” Margo faltered for only the briefest moment. “Dad, to answer that question would take hours of backstory, and I know that you’re probably very tired, so just go back t—” “In the house, ” he thundered. “This minute! ” Margo grabbed hold of my shirt, whispered, “Back in a minute, ” in my ear, and then climbed out the window.
As soon as she left, I grabbed my car keys from my desk. The keys are mine; the car, tragically, is not. On my sixteenth birthday, my parents gave me a very small gift, and I knew the moment they handed it to me that it was a car key, and I about peed myself, because they’d said over and over again that they couldn’t afford to give me a car. But when they handed me the tiny wrapped box, I knew they’d been tricking me, that I was getting a car after all. I tore off the wrapping paper and popped open the little box. Indeed, it contained a key. Upon close inspection, it contained a Chrysler key. A key for a Chrysler minivan. The one and the same Chrysler minivan owned by my mother. “My present is a key to your car? ” I asked my mom. “Tom, ” she said to my dad, “I told you he would get his hopes up. ” “Oh, don’t blame me, ” my dad said. “You’re just sublimating your own frustration with my income. ” “Isn’t that snap analysis a tad passive-aggressive? ” my mother asked. “Aren’t rhetorical accusations of passive aggression inherently passive-aggressive? ” my dad responded, and they went on like that for a while. The long and short of it was this: I had access to the vehicular awesomeness that is a late-model Chrysler minivan, except for when my mom was driving it. And since she drove to work every morning, I could only use the car on weekends. Well, weekends and the middle of the goddamned night. It took Margo more than the promised minute to return to my window, but not much more. But in the time she was gone, I’d started to waffle again. “I’ve got school tomorrow, ” I told her. “Yeah, I know, ” Margo answered. “There’s school tomorrow and the day after that, and thinking about that too long could make a girl bonkers. So, yeah. It’s a school night. That’s why we’ve got to get going, because we’ve got to be back by morning. ” “I don’t know. ” “Q, ” she said. “Q. Darling. How long have we been dear friends? ” “We’re not friends. We’re neighbors. ” “Oh, Christ, Q. Am I not nice to you? Do I not order my various and sundry minions to be kind to you at school? ” “Uh-huh, ” I answered dubiously, although in point of fact I’d always figured it was Margo who had stopped Chuck Parson and his ilk from screwing with us. She blinked. She’d even painted her eyelids. “Q, ” she said, “we have to go. ”
And so I went. I slid out the window, and we ran along the side of my house, heads down, until we opened the doors of the minivan. Margo whispered not to close the doors — too much noise — so with the doors open, I put it in neutral, pushed off the cement with my foot, and then let the minivan roll down the driveway. We rolled slowly past a couple houses before I turned on the engine and the headlights. We closed the doors, and then I drove through the serpentine streets of Jefferson Park’s endlessness, the houses all still new-looking and plastic, like a toy village housing tens of thousands of real people. Margo started talking. “The thing is they don’t even really care; they just feel like my exploits make them look bad. Just now, do you know what he said? He said, ‘I don’t care if you screw up your life, but don’t embarrass us in front of the Jacobsens — they’re our friends. ’ Ridiculous. And you have no idea how hard they’ve made it to get out of that goddamned house. You know how in prison-escape movies they put bundled-up clothes under the blankets to make it look like there’s a person in there? ” I nodded. “Yeah, well, Mom put a goddamned baby monitor in my room so she could hear my sleep-breathing all night. So I just had to pay Ruthie five bucks to sleep in my room, and then I put bundled-up clothes in her room. ” Ruthie is Margo’s little sister. “It’s Mission: Impossible shit now. Used to be I could just sneak out like a regular goddamned American — just climb out the window and jump off the roof. But God, these days, it’s like living in a fascist dictatorship. ” “Are you going to tell me where we’re going? ” “Well, first we’re going to Publix. Because for reasons I’ll explain later, I need you to go grocery shopping for me. And then to Wal-Mart. ” “What, we’re just gonna go on a grand tour of every commercial establishment in Central Florida? ” I asked. “Tonight, darling, we are going to right a lot of wrongs. And we are going to wrong some rights. The first shall be last; the last shall be first; the meek shall do some earth-inheriting. But before we can radically reshape the world, we need to shop. ” I pulled into the Publix then, the parking lot almost entirely empty, and parked. “Listen, ” she said, “how much money do you have on you right now? ” “Zero dollars and zero cents, ” I answered. I turned off the ignition and looked over at her. She wriggled a hand into a pocket of her tight, dark jeans and pulled out several hundred-dollar bills. “Fortunately, the good Lord has provided, ” she said. “What the hell? ” I asked. “Bat mitzvah money, bitch. I’m not allowed to access the account, but I know my parents’ password because they use ‘myrnamountw3az3l’ for everything. So I made a withdrawal. ” I tried to blink away the awe, but she saw the way I was looking at her and smirked at me. “Basically, ” she said, “this is going to be the best night of your life. ”
The thing about Margo Roth Spiegelman is that really all I could ever do was let her talk, and then when she stopped talking encourage her to go on, due to the facts that 1. I was incontestably in love with her, and 2. She was absolutely unprecedented in every way, and 3. She never really asked me any questions, so the only way to avoid silence was to keep her talking. And so in the parking lot of Publix she said, “So, right. I made you a list. If you have any questions, just call my cell. Listen, that reminds me, I took the liberty of putting some supplies in the back of the van earlier. ” “What, like, before I agreed to all this? ” “Well, yes. Technically yes. Anyway, just call me if you have any questions, but with the Vaseline, you want the one that’s bigger than your fist. There’s like a Baby Vaseline, and then there’s a Mommy Vaseline, and then there’s a big fat Daddy of a Vaseline, and that’s the one you want. If they don’t have that, then get, like, three of the Mommies. ” She handed me the list and a hundred-dollar bill and said, “That should cover it. ” Margo’s list:
3 whole Catfish, Wrapped separately Veet (It’s for Shaving your legs Only you don’t Need A razor It’s with all the Girly cosmetic stuff) Vaseline six-pack, Mountain Dew One dozen Tulips one Bottle Of water Tissues one Can of blue Spray paint
“Interesting capitalization, ” I said. “Yeah. I’m a big believer in random capitalization. The rules of capitalization are so unfair to words in the middle. ”
Now, I’m not sure what you’re supposed to say to the checkout woman at twelve-thirty in the morning when you put thirteen pounds of catfish, Veet, the fat-daddy-size tub of Vaseline, a six-pack of Mountain Dew, a can of blue spray paint, and a dozen tulips on the conveyor belt. But here’s what I said: “This isn’t as weird as it looks. ” The woman cleared her throat but didn’t look up. “Still weird, ” she muttered.
“I really don’t want to get in any trouble, ” I told Margo back in the minivan as she used the bottled water to wipe the black paint off her face with the tissues. She’d only needed the makeup, apparently, to get out of the house. “In my admission letter from Duke it actually explicitly says that they won’t take me if I get arrested. ” “You’re a very anxious person, Q. ” “Let’s just please not get in trouble, ” I said. “I mean, I want to have fun and everything, but not at the expense of, like, my future. ” She looked up at me, her face mostly revealed now, and she smiled just the littlest bit. “It amazes me that you can find all that shit even remotely interesting. ” “Huh? ” “College: getting in or not getting in. Trouble: getting in or not getting in. School: getting A’s or getting D’s. Career: having or not having. House: big or small, owning or renting. Money: having or not having. It’s all so boring. ” I started to say something, to say that she obviously cared a little, because she had good grades and was going to the University of Florida’s honors program next year, but she just said, “Wal-Mart. ”
We entered Wal-Mart together and picked up that thing from infomercials called The Club, which locks a car’s steering wheel into place. As we walked through the Juniors department, I asked Margo, “Why do we need The Club? ” Margo managed to speak in her usual manic soliloquy without answering my question. “Did you know that for pretty much the entire history of the human species, the average life span was less than thirty years? You could count on ten years or so of real adulthood, right? There was no planning for retirement. There was no planning for a career. There was no planning. No time for planning. No time for a future. But then the life spans started getting longer, and people started having more and more future, and so they spent more time thinking about it. About the future. And now life has become the future. Every moment of your life is lived for the future — you go to high school so you can go to college so you can get a good job so you can get a nice house so you can afford to send your kids to college so they can get a good job so they can get a nice house so they can afford to send their kids to college. ” It felt like Margo was just rambling to avoid the question at hand. So I repeated it. “Why do we need The Club? ” Margo patted me in the middle of the back softly. “I mean, obviously this is all going to be revealed to you before the night is over. ” And then, in boating supplies, Margo located an air horn. She took it out of the box and held it up in the air, and I said, “No, ” and she said, “No what? ” And I said, “No, don’t blow the air horn, ” except when I got to about the b in blow, she squeezed on it and it let out an excruciatingly loud honk that felt in my head like the auditory equivalent of an aneurysm, and then she said, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you. What was that? ” And I said, “Stop b—” and then she did it again. A Wal-Mart employee just a little older than us walked up to us then and said, “Hey, you can’t use that in here, ” and Margo said, with seeming sincerity, “Sorry, I didn’t know that, ” and the guy said, “Oh, it’s cool. I don’t mind, actually. ” And then the conversation seemed over, except the guy could not stop looking at Margo, and honestly I don’t blame him, because she is hard to stop looking at, and then finally he said, “What are you guys up to tonight? ” And Margo said, “Not much. You? ” And he said, “I get off at one and then I’m going out to this bar down on Orange, if you want to come. But you’d have to drop off your brother; they’re really strict about ID’s. ” Her what?! “I’m not her brother, ” I said, looking at the guy’s sneakers. And then Margo proceeded to lie. “He’s actually my cousin, ” she said. Then she sidled up to me, put her hand around my waist so that I could feel each of her fingers taut against my hip bone, and she added, “And my lover. ” The guy just rolled his eyes and walked away, and Margo’s hand lingered for a minute and I took the opportunity to put my arm around her. “You really are my favorite cousin, ” I told her. She smiled and bumped me softly with her hip, spinning out of my embrace. “Don’t I know it, ” she said.
We were driving down a blessedly empty I-4, and I was following Margo’s directions. The clock on the dashboard said it was 1: 07. “It’s pretty, huh? ” she said. She was turned away from me, staring out the window, so I could hardly see her. “I love driving fast under streetlights. ” “Light, ” I said, “the visible reminder of Invisible Light. ” “That’s beautiful, ” she said. “T. S. Eliot, ” I said. “You read it, too. In English last year. ” I hadn’t actually ever read the whole poem that line was from, but a couple of the parts I did read got stuck in my head. “Oh, it’s a quote, ” she said, a little disappointed. I saw her hand on the center console. I could have put my own hand on the center console and then our hands would have been in the same place at the same time. But I didn’t. “Say it again, ” she said. “Light, the visible reminder of Invisible Light. ” “Yeah. Damn, that’s good. That must help with your lady friend. ” “Ex-lady friend, ” I corrected her. “Suzie dumped you? ” Margo asked. “How do you know she dumped me? ” “Oh, sorry. ” “Although she did, ” I admitted, and Margo laughed. The breakup had happened months ago, but I didn’t blame Margo for failing to pay attention to the world of lower-caste romance. What happens in the band room stays in the band room. Margo put her feet up on the dashboard and wiggled her toes to the cadence of her speaking. She always talked like that, with this discernible rhythm, like she was reciting poetry. “Right, well, I’m sorry to hear that. But I can relate. My lovely boyfriend of lo these many months is fucking my best friend. ” I looked over but her hair was all in her face, so I couldn’t make out if she was kidding. “Seriously? ” She didn’t say anything. “But you were just laughing with him this morning. I saw you. ” “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I heard about it before first period, and then I found them both talking together and I started screaming bloody murder, and Becca ran into the arms of Clint Bauer, and Jase was just standing there like a dumbass with the chaw drool running out of his stank mouth. ” I had clearly misinterpreted the scene in the hallway. “That’s weird, because Chuck Parson asked me this morning what I knew about you and Jase. ” “Yeah, well, Chuck does as he’s told, I guess. Probably trying to find out for Jase who knew. ” “Jesus, why would he hook up with Becca? ” “Well, she’s not known for her personality or generosity of spirit, so it’s probably because she’s hot. ” “She’s not as hot as you, ” I said, before I could think better of it. “That’s always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people would want to be around someone because they’re pretty. It’s like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste. It’s the next exit, by the way. But I’m not pretty, not close up anyway. Generally, the closer people get to me the less hot they find me. ” “That’s— ” I started. “Whatever, ” she answered.
It struck me as somewhat unfair that an asshole like Jason Worthington would get to have sex with both Margo and Becca, when perfectly likable individuals such as myself don’t get to have sex with either of them — or anyone else, for that matter. That said, I like to think that I am the type of person who wouldn’t hook up with Becca Arrington. She may be hot, but she is also 1. aggressively vapid, and 2. an absolute, unadulterated, raging bitch. Those of us who frequent the band room have long suspected that Becca maintains her lovely figure by eating nothing but the souls of kittens and the dreams of impoverished children. “Becca does sort of suck, ” I said, trying to draw Margo back into conversation. “Yeah, ” she answered, looking out the passenger window, her hair reflecting oncoming streetlights. I thought for a second she might be crying, but she rallied quickly, pulling her hoodie up and taking The Club out of the Wal-Mart bag. “Well, this’ll be fun at any rate, ” she said as she ripped open The Club’s packaging. “May I ask where we’re going yet? ” “Becca’s, ” she answered. “Uh-oh, ” I said as I pulled up to a stop sign. I put the minivan in park and started to tell Margo that I was taking her home. “No felonies. Promise. We need to find Jase’s car. Becca’s street is the next one up on the right, but he wouldn’t park his car on her street, because her parents are home. Try the one after. That’s the first thing. ” “Okay, ” I said, “but then we go home. ” “No, then we move on to Part Two of Eleven. ” “Margo, this is a bad idea. ” “Just drive, ” she said, and so I just did. We found Jase’s Lexus two blocks down from Becca’s street, parked in a cul-de-sac. Before I’d even come to a complete stop, Margo jumped out of the minivan with The Club in hand. She pulled open the Lexus’s driver-side door, sat down in the seat, and proceeded to attach The Club to Jase’s steering wheel. Then she softly closed the door to the Lexus. “Dumb bastard never locks that car, ” she mumbled as she climbed back into the minivan. She pocketed the key to The Club. She reached over and tousled my hair. “Part One — done. Now, to Becca’s house. ” As I drove, Margo explained Parts Two and Three to me. “That’s quite brilliant, ” I said, even though inside I was bursting with a shimmering nervousness. I turned onto Becca’s street and parked two houses down from her McMansion. Margo crawled into the wayback of the minivan and returned with a pair of binoculars and a digital camera. She looked through the binoculars first, and then handed them to me. I could see a light on in the house’s basement, but no movement. I was mostly surprised that the house even had a basement — you can’t dig very deep before hitting water in most of Orlando. I reached into my pocket, grabbed my cell phone, and dialed the number that Margo recited to me. The phone rang once, twice, and then a groggy male voice answered, “Hello? ” “Mr. Arrington? ” I asked. Margo wanted me to call because no one would ever recognize my voice. “Who is this? God, what time is it? ” “Sir, I think you should know that your daughter is currently having sex with Jason Worthington in your basement. ” And then I hung up. Part Two: accompli. Margo and I threw open the doors of the minivan and charged down the street, diving onto our stomachs just behind the hedge ringing Becca’s yard. Margo handed me the camera, and I watched as an upstairs bedroom light came on, and then a stairway light, and then the kitchen light. And finally, the stairway down to the basement. “Here he comes, ” Margo whispered, and I didn’t know what she meant until, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a shirtless Jason Worthington wiggling out of the basement window. He took off sprinting across the lawn, naked but for his boxer shorts, and as he approached I jumped up and took a picture of him, completing Part Three. The flash surprised both of us, I think, and he blinked at me through the darkness for a white-hot moment before running off into the night. Margo tugged on my jeans leg; I looked down at her, and she was smiling goofily. I reached my hand down, helped her up, and then we raced back to the car. I was putting the key in the ignition when she said, “Let me see the picture. ” I handed her the camera, and we watched it come up on the screen together, our heads almost touching. Upon seeing the stunned, pale face of Jason Worthington, I couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, God, ” Margo said, and pointed. In the rush of the moment, it seemed that Jason had been unable to get Little Jason inside his boxers, and so there it was, hanging out, digitally captured for posterity. “It’s a penis, ” Margo said, “in the same sense that Rhode Island is a state: it may have an illustrious history, but it sure isn’t big. ” I looked back at the house and noticed that the basement light was now off. I found myself feeling slightly bad for Jason — it wasn’t his fault he had a micropenis and a brilliantly vindictive girlfriend. But then again, in sixth grade, Jase promised not to punch my arm if I ate a live earthworm, so I ate a live earthworm and then he punched me in the face. So I didn’t feel very bad for very long. When I looked over at Margo, she was staring at the house through her binoculars. “We have to go, ” Margo said. “Into the basement. ” “What? Why? ” “Part Four. Get his clothes in case he tries to sneak back into her house. Part Five. Leave fish for Becca. ” “No. ” “Yes. Now, ” she said. “She’s upstairs getting yelled at by her parents. But, like, how long does that lecture last? I mean, what do you say? ‘You shouldn’t screw Margo’s boyfriend in the basement. ’ It’s a one-sentence lecture, basically. So we have to hustle. ” She got out of the car with the spray paint in one hand and one of the catfish in the other. I whispered, “This is a bad idea, ” but I followed behind her, crouched down as she was, until we were standing in front of the still-open basement window. “I’ll go first, ” she said. She went in feetfirst and was standing on Becca’s computer desk, half in the house and half out of it, when I asked her, “Can’t I just be lookout? ” “Get your skinny ass in here, ” she answered, and so I did. Quickly, I grabbed all the boy-type clothes I saw on Becca’s lavender-carpeted floor. A pair of jeans with a leather belt, a pair of flip-flops, a Winter Park High School Wildcats baseball cap, and a baby blue polo shirt. I turned back to Margo, who handed me the paper-wrapped catfish and one of Becca’s sparkly purple pens. She told me what to write: A message from Margo Roth Spiegelman: Your friendship with her — it sleeps with the fishes Margo hid the fish between folded pairs of shorts in Becca’s closet. I could hear footsteps upstairs, and tapped Margo on the shoulder and looked at her, my eyes bulging. She just smiled and leisurely pulled out the spray paint. I scrambled out the window, and then turned back to watch as Margo leaned over the desk and calmly shook the spray paint. In an elegant motion — the kind you associate with calligraphy or Zorro — she spray-painted the letter M onto the wall above the desk. She reached her hands up to me, and I pulled her through the window. She was just starting to stand when we heard a high-pitched voice shout, “DWIGHT! ” I grabbed the clothes and took off running, Margo behind me. I heard, but did not see, the front door of Becca’s house swing open, but I didn’t stop or turn around, not when a booming voice shouted “HALT! ” and not even when I heard the unmistakable sound of a shotgun being pumped. I heard Margo mumble “gun” behind me — she didn’t sound upset about it exactly; she was just making an observation — and then rather than walk around Becca’s hedge, I dove over it headfirst. I’m not sure how I intended to land — maybe an artful somersault or something — but at any rate, I spilled onto the asphalt of the road, landing on my left shoulder. Fortunately, Jase’s bundle of clothes hit the ground first, softening the blow. I swore, and before I could even start to stand, I felt Margo’s hands pulling me up, and then we were in the car and I was driving in reverse with the lights off, which is how I nearly came to run over the mostly naked starting shortstop of the Winter Park High School Wildcats baseball team. Jase was running very fast, but he didn’t seem to be running anyplace in particular. I felt another stab of regret as we backed up past him, so I rolled the window halfway down and threw his polo in his general direction. Fortunately, I don’t think he saw either Margo or me, and he had no reason to recognize the minivan since — and I don’t want to sound bitter or anything by dwelling on this—I can’t drive it to school.