Level: A1, A2. TASK 1. Look at the picture and guess what the text is about.. TASK 2. Listen to the text and unjumble the words. TASK 3. Answer the following questions.
COMPUTERS or PCs (Listening comprehension) Level: A1, A2 TASK 1. Look at the picture and guess what the text is about. Ø I suppose we are going to speak about... or... .
TASK 2. Listen to the text and unjumble the words It’s hard had to that one computers believe no a few years ago. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ I wonder how people lived. There must have paperwork lot been of a. __________________________________________________________________ I can’t imagine writing everything by hand. wonder I how also everything worked without computers. _________________________________________________________________We need computers today for everything. Hospitals, airports, the police… nothing can work without computers. ten busier sure be times I’m I’d than now if I didn’t have a computer. _______________________________________________ Imagine having to paper an a of and find piece envelope and then walking the to a down street mail letter! _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ I love my computer. It makes in everything convenient so life my. __________________________________________________________________Sure, it freezes and crashes sometimes. Sure I lose some data. But that’s not often. the of Most like is computer my time my best friend. __________________________________________________________________ TASK 3. Answer the following questions. 1. What do you think computers will be like in 2050? 2. Will computers replace people one day? 3. Are computers smarter than people? Why?