sellx2 cook paint mend deliver plant cure fly laugh clean teach serve cutСтр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
Action Verbs linked with Jobs Look at the list of scrambled words below. Try to unscramble them to spell different jobs and in the column on the right hand side write the verb that links them.
sellx2 cook paint mend deliver plant cure fly laugh clean teach serve cut
1. rplmbeu p ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
2. snotmap ___ o ___ ___ ___ ___ n
3. roctdo ___ ___ ___ t ___ r
4. afrme ___ a ___ ___ ___
5. fceh ___ ___ e ___
6. lconw ___ ___ ___ ___ n
7. daim ___ ___ i ___
8. rttisa a ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
9. airtwe ___ a ___ ___ ___ r
10. abrrbe ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ r
11. rroceg ___ ___ ___ c ___ ___
12. atcerhe ___ ___ ___ c ___ ___ ___
13. sfolrit ___ ___ ___ ___ i ___ ___
14. ilpto p ___ ___ ___ ___ Answer Key:
1. pumber – mend 2. postman – deliver 3. doctor – cure 4. famer – plant 5. chef – cook 6. clown – laugh 7. maid – clean 8. artista – Paint 9. waiter – serve 10. barber – cut 11. grocer – sell 12. teacher – teach 13. florist – sell 14. pilot - fly