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RESOLUTION 01/001. Human rights in the Digital Age
The Human Rights Council,
guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and other relevant international and regional human rights instruments, the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, recalling all relevant resolutions of the UN Commission on Human Rights and subsequently the UN Human Rights Council on the right to freedom of opinion and expression, in particular Council resolutions 20/8 of 5 July 2012 and 26/13 of 26 June 2014 on the promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the Internet, as well as resolutions 12/16 of 2 October 2009 on freedom of opinion and expression, 28/16 of 24 March 2015 on the right to privacy in the digital age, 23/2 of 13 June 2013 on the role of the right to freedom of opinion and expression in promoting the empowerment of women and 31/7 of 23 March 2016 on the rights of the child: use of information and communication technologies and sexual exploitation of children,
welcoming UN General Assembly resolutions 68/167 of 18 December 2013 and 69/166 of 18 December 2014 on the right to privacy in the digital age, 70/184 of 22 December 2015 on information and communication technologies for development, and 70/125 of 16 December 2015, containing the outcome document of the high-level meeting of the general assembly on the overall review of the implementation of the world summit on the information society,
recognizing human life as the highest value of every nation,
condemning any infringement of a person's privacy,
expressing deep concern about any actions that endanger and harm the lives of people, as well as their psychological and moral health,
considering that one of the main tasks of any state is to build a socially oriented, open, aimed at the development of the information society, the Internet space,
emphasizing the concern in the digital age of importance of acts of terrorism and their supporters in ways of communication technologies and using information throughout the Internet, in the regard of the prevention and suppression,
1. urges providing an access to the Internet along with other fundamental human rights;
2. requests providing an access to the Internet for all social strata regardless of their sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, association with a national minority, property, birth or other status;
3. encourages actions aimed to inform people about the importance of human rights and responsibilities in digital sphere;
4. recommends States to inform citizens about Internet behaviour through educational programs in schools and universities, mass media and other possible ways;
5. calls upon the world community to respect the principle of national sovereignty in digital space and not to impose their national and historical values on other States;
6. condemns the spread of applications, which illegally use private data;
7. calls upon providers to apply measures to reduce the cost of the Internet from the UN resources;
8. calls upon the countries of international community to actively cooperate and help each other in field of Internet infrastructure development; 9. confirms that digital human rights may be subject to restrictions that must be established by the law that are necessary to respect the rights and reputation of others, as well as to protect state security, public order, public health and other spheres of public welfare;
10. encourages States to prevent the possible spread of information containing user’s personal data without their agency and the elimination of the consequences of crimes that have already happened;
11. calls upon States to prohibit applications, which likely to cause damage to the national security or threats basic rights of people;
12. recommends governments to inform citizens about a possibility to download applications, which restrict an access of children to information, which can hurt mental or moral development of children such as pornography, acts of violence, potential harmful advertisements;
13. recommends States to block sites with inappropriate content, which might include: a. calls for terrorism, revolution, extremism, b. spreading defamation and information that threatens directly national sovereignty, security and development interests;
14. encourages all States to establish legal responsibility for cyberbullying in national law;
15. notes the importance of creating a special body to deal with illegal cases in cyberspace in each state;
16. recommends to create a voluntary cyber insurance which aim is the compensation of harm from cyber-crimes and which services can be used by both individuals and legal entities;
17. urges application developers to register users under real names in order to protect people from fraud, cyber bullying and other cyber-crimes implying that an Internet user can be anonymous to the general public, but the real names are known by the government;
18. stresses the importance of strengthening the protection of copyright and intellectual property rights;
19. calls upon States to avoid intercepting telephone calls or data carried on the public telecommunications networks unless it interferes with the safety of state, government and citizens;
20. suggests States to make a legal framework that regulates human rights in digital sphere more comprehensible and specified;
21. decides to remain seized of the matter.