Ivanovo International Model United Nations 2020Ivanovo International Model United Nations 2020
RESOLUTION 01/001. Fighting the exploitation of child labour by large companies Recalling the statements of the ILO Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138), and the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182), Keeping in view the relevance of the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child to the definition of children and children’s rights, in particular Article 32 concerning theprotection of children from economic exploitation, Appreciating that not all children who are working may be considered to be in child labourslated for abolition, Taking into considerationthat 152 million children are still in child labour, Emphasizingthat child labour remains a threat that prevents children from going to schooland getting education, Acknowledgingthat the worst forms of child labour constitute one of the most serious threats to a child’s physical, intellectual and emotional development, Reaffirmingthe fight against child labour is helping achieve SDG4 and improve the living conditions of individuals, communities and schools, 1. Encourages both public debate and the active participation of non-governmental organizations to erode the social foundations of child labor and restrict the potential supply; 2. Recommends countries to establish direct relationships with school drop-outs, child workers, and their parents, but also with employers and other groups who are reluctant to talk to government officials by the establishment and adoption of the special (social) agreement between the governmental authorities and social groups for the purposes of legalizing the needs of the population to protect child's rights; 3. Encourages to spread awareness among the people of developing countries about the rights of children and the prohibition of child labor through the media and advertising. So they realize how important it is to avoid the mental, social, physical harm that affects the vulnerable layer of the population; 4. Requeststhe UNICEF and the ILOto enhance the cooperation; 5. Encourages to establish a new task force to implement the Child and Adolescent Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act and to distribute a new data collection form that requires state governments to annually report to the National Crime Records Bureau specific details of human trafficking cases that occur at the district level; 6. Urgescountries to draft the document as the Trafficking of Persons (Prevent, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill, which criminalizes and enhances penalties for aggravated forms of trafficking, including trafficking for the purposes of forced labor, bonded labor, and begging; 7. Recommends countries to organize the mechanism of state and private partnership of discover, prevention and investigation of attempts to use child’s force for commercial purposes along with the establishment of the special Commission; 8. Urges countries to draft the supranational legal act tightening the national laws against child labor to ensure that children under the age of 18 are prohibited from doing «dangerous» work; 9. Calls for reducing household vulnerability. Reducing household vulnerability will require extending and improving the effectiveness of the country’s social safety net; 10. Struggles for increasing school access and quality. Expanding access in rural areas, especially for girls, offering partial and full scholarships to the children from low income families, and improving quality system- wide can be achieved through ongoing education projects with some special provisions for children with special needs that paves way for integration rather than promoting social exclusion; 11. Encourages to improve access to basic services such as water to African countries by establishing an intergovernmental fund: Extending the water network to include a greater number of rural villages appears particularly important in this context. Current Government efforts to expand access to potable water in rural areas need to be accelerated, with a particular emphasis on extending public water networks to communities where school attendance is low and child labour rates are high, especially for girls; 12. Promotesadult literacy: The empirical evidence indicates that providing parents with basic literacy skills has an important impact on rates of school enrolment; 13. Supports to start negative advertisement of the companies, which exploit child labour, so that companies will be afraid of doing it aiming do not lose their customers; 14. Encouragesto put limits in export and import of the goods by the companies listed as exploitation child labour.