Rendering ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 The article I want to tell you about is taken from Livescience magazine, By Charles Q. Choi June 21, 2018 The title of the article is " Bread Made of Powdered Crickets May Be Loaded with Bacterial Spores". It is based on the main idea of the author, because you can guess what the article will be about. The author of the article is Charles Q. Choi. Charles Q. Choi is one of the leading writers for living science and Space. com. it covers all things of human origin and astronomy, as well as physics, animals, and General science topics. Charles holds a master of arts degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia, the school of journalism, and a bachelor of arts degree from the University of South Florida. Charles visited every continent on Earth, drank rancid tea with Yak oil in Lhasa, snorkeled with sea lions in the Galapagos, and even climbed an iceberg in Antarctica. The main problem of the article is that how to make bread that contains crickets and bacteria that are useful for the human body remain soft and its taste is not like " cat food". The article explains that crickets and bacteria are very useful in the composition of bread for the human body, it is more nutritious than wheat bread, contains more proteins, essential amino acids and fatty acids, which do not allow the bread to stale. But how do you get people to eat insects and crickets? To do this, scientists have come up with a cricket powder, which contains particles of crickets and bacteria. There is another problem that scientists are thinking about: how to make sure that the high content of cricket powder in bread does not change its taste and it remains soft. In conclusion, the author says that researchers have experimented with other insect powders in bread and found that " the final taste is highly dependent on the species. " For example, bread made from mealworm powder has a very pleasant nutty taste". I find this article useful because it contains a lot of new and interesting information related to my profession.