Now scroll down and work with Vocabulary and Extract parts. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Now scroll down and work with Vocabulary and Extract parts. Vocabulary
What ‘bare-‘ in ‘barefoot’ means?
What is an opposite for good health? Bad health or poor health?
How students are called when they are at… 1st year of university – 2nd year – 3d year – 4th year – sophomore, junior, freshman, senior
Who is a scholar?
What is a hardware store?
What are two more words for gasoline?
What fella stands for?
1. What do you know about Rabbit? 2. In which way the name of the novel is symbolic? 3. Comment onto this quotation: 4. " The only way to get somewhere, you know; is to figure out where you're going before you go there. " 5. Everybody who tells you how to act has whisky on their breath.