Тема урока: Предлоги. Грамматика.ЗАДАНИЕ К УРОКУ Дата 25. 09. 2020 Группа ТП-401
Дисциплина/МДК/УП: Иностранный язык Тема урока: Предлоги. Грамматика. План занятия:
1. Пройдите по ссылке https: //www. englishdom. com/blog/predlogi-v-anglijskom-yazyke/. Ознакомьтесь с материалом. 2. Сделайте конспект в тетрадь. Выписать нужно самое главное. 3. Выполните упражнения письменно в тетрадь.
Упражнение 1. Вставьте предлоги on, in, at (предлоги времени) 1. Where were you ______ September 22nd? 2. Mike is taking his driving test ______five o’clock. 3. Liz is coming ______three days. 4. She rests ______weekends but works hard from Monday till Friday. 5. Good bye! See you ______Monday. 6. It's nice to be here ______such a lovely day. 7. My father is a doctor. He often comes home late ______night. 8. My brother got married ______May. 9. She came London ______the end of August______1972. 10. The leaves on the trees turn brown ______Autumn. 11. The English examination is ______July. 12. The banks close______ 5 pm. Упражнение 2. Вставьте предлоги on, in, at (предлоги времени) 1. I have my gym class _______ Wednesdays. 2. I started work this morning _______ 8 am. 3. Are you going away______ Easter? 4. Moira's birthday is ______September, 24. 5. We're flying to Beijing _____ June 2nd. 6. Please visit me ______ Sunday. 7. My flight is_______ Monday. 8. Mary went on holiday ______ Monday. Упражнение 3. Вставьте предлоги on, in, at (предлоги места) 1. She waited for him ______the bus stop ______the end of Green Street. 2. This is the best cake ______the world! 3. My friend spent his holiday ______a small village ______the mountains. 4. There are a few shops ______the end of the street. 5. Let's meet ______the entrance to the Supermarket. 6. Petersburg is ______the Neva River. 7. Jane lives ______a two-room flat ______ the third floor. 8. Gerhard has some nice pictures hanging ______his office wall. 9. There's somebody______ the door. 10. There's somebody waiting ______the bus stop. 11. Wolfgang met Michaela______ the way to work. 12. His office is _____the top of the stairs. 13. There are lots of managers_______ my company
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