1. Guessthemissingwords. 3. Crossthe extra words ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 1. Guessthemissingwords
3……….. she’s here, you can take a 4……. I’m a hot air 5……….. that could go to 6…….. With the 7………., like I don’t care 8………by the way 2. Orderthelines[Refrain: ] ….. Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do …. Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth …. Because I’m happy …. Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof 3. Crossthe extra words Here come some bad news talking this and that [Refrain] 4. Fillinthegapswiththefollowingwords: [Bridge: ]
a) To clap along b) To take a break c) To seem crazy d) By the way e) Hold it back f) To warn sb g) Waste sb’s time
1. Incidentally, notabene, just to add, marginally; 2. To stop what you’re doing for a while; 3. To clap your hands with everybody; 4. To stop something, to delay; 5. To say that something might be dangerous; 6. To spend time doing stupid, unnecessary things; 7. To look really strange;