


Случайная статья

Gross Profit Валовая прибыль. Revenue

Gross Profit Валовая прибыль

  Oldton 1 Honeyton 2 Techton 3
625, 8 2033, 1 1688, 4
7789, 9 8100, 5 6627, 8
9303, 5
1898, 1 2275, 6
5178, 2 5809, 6
717, 6 1935, 7 2087, 6
4815, 1 5034, 8
224, 4 343, 1 375, 4
Total 36277, 4 36404, 8 33202, 9



  Oldton 1 Honeyton 2 Techton 3
1459, 2 6291, 8 6707, 9
18228, 4 24834, 4 26523, 6
28211, 6 37143, 7 37006, 9
6595, 2 18942, 5 20849, 2
53322, 9
4812, 3 12826, 7 14126, 5
32210, 8 33599, 5
1496, 8
Total 144324, 6 186605, 9 194619, 6




1) Sales volume

  Oldton 1 Honeyton 2 Techton 3
Sales volume 2642 units 10. 255 units 10. 134units


2) Price (Revenue divided by the number of items sold)

Average prices Oldton 1 Honeyton 2 Tecton 3
#113 22, 95   19, 30
#114 23, 048   19, 24
#116 23, 175   19, 146


3) Variable costs (costs of sales = revenue – gross profit)

(cost of direct materials, and therefore cost of sales, goes up in conjunction with increases in production volume)

Oldton 1: 144324, 6 – 36277, 4 = 108. 047, 2

Techton 3: 194619, 6 – 33202, 88 = 161. 416, 72

Honeyton 2: 186607 – 36404 = 150. 203


· Higher price – higher profit (the example of Oldton and Techton)

· Lower cost of sales – higher the profit/margin as shown in the example of Oldton which has lowest cost of sales and therefore the highest profit (though it has lowest sales volume)

· Higher sales volume results in increased variable costs and therefore reduced gain as shown in the example of Honeyton and also Techton


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