After working through the text, proceed to the exercises below.After working through the text, proceed to the exercises below. I. Choose the right answer. As we know, to make some paper we need wood fiber or plant 1. ____, but the simplest way to get it is to cut down a tree. Now let us imagine the 2. _____ of paper each of us uses every day. There are no doubts, that if we continue to cut down trees to have paper, there soon will be no trees left, 3. _____, we will run out of oxygen. Nevertheless, there is one more way good 4. ____ paper, it can be recycled from other materials that 5. ______ contain cellulose. 1. already 2. consequently 3. fiber 4. amount 5. producing
II. Choosethecorrectanswer. Paperboard/matt is made of paper. walls must conserve/illustrate the nature. I like reading blank/glossy magazines. My dad always reads a newsprint/newspaper in the morning. Pulping/line is one of the stages of making paper. Mika has a lot of posters/harvest on the walls pg his room.
III. Completing the table Complete the table with the words below. List, reaction, cabinet, vegetables, box, apart.
IV. Complete the text.
Paperboard, Glossy, Chop, Shopping, Thick, Newsprint. We use _________ to create different things. Melissa likes reading __________ magazines. I need to _________ vegetables to make the salad. John, have you written a ________ list? Paperboard is a very _________ type of paper. _________ is a type of paper which is used to print newspapers.
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