AssignmentThree. SkillsRelated Task(750-1000 words). You are going to designareadingor listening skillslessonusinganauthentictext.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ AssignmentThree SkillsRelated Task(750-1000 words) You are going to designareadingor listening skillslessonusinganauthentictext. Partone: 1. Selectanappropriate authentictext forthegroup you are currently teaching (The upper word limit is approx. 500 words). This can be a reading or listening text. Providearationale for your choice and explainhowitrespondstothe level, needsandinterestsofthelearners. Part two:
2. Designandprovide two receptiveskillstasksappropriateforthematerial withanswerssupplied, e. g., gistanddetailedcomprehension tasks. Thesemustbetheactualmaterials youwouldgivetostudents. Don’tjusttalkaboutyourtasks – design themasfinishedhandoutsandincludethemin theappendix – remember to put your answers separately. (They must not be language related tasks, e. g. ´ identify all the examples of the present perfect in the text`).
Part three: 1. Designandprovide one productiveskillstask (speakingorwriting)tofollowupthematerial. Attachthisasfinishedmaterialintheappendix.
2. Providearationaleforthistask. Thismeansyouhavetoexplain how and why thetaskyouhave designedpractisestheproductiveskillyouhavechosentodevelop(e. g. ´ Thisisaspeakingfluencytaskbecauseitrequiresstudentsto…. `) and also explain howyou would set it up. Thisactivitymusthaveafluencyfocus.
3. You mustinclude a word count. This does not include titles, subtitles or appendices - the absolute limit is 1100 words.