PRESENT PERFECT ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
Can you give some examples of an unfinished period of time?
Answer the following questions and complete the sentences: What have you done today? Have you done a lot of things? What have you done in the current project? Do you usually set goals for the next year? Have you reached any of your goals for this year? Have you been to Asia/that new museum? Have you seen that new film? Complete the following sentences: I’ve always wanted… I’ve always had a dream to… I’ve never tried…
Complete the following questions with the correct form of the verb, then answer the questions: 1) Have you ever (eat) anything strange? 2) Have you ever (fail) a course or important test? 3) Have you ever (lose) your IDs? 4) Have you ever (miss) a plane/train/bus? 5) Have you ever (make) a big change in your life? 6) Have you ever (try) dangerous sports? 7) Have you ever (find) anything valuable? 8) Have you ever (lie) about your age? 9) Have you ever (break) anything and just run away? 10) Have you ever (write) a love letter to anyone? 12) Have you ever (take) anything from a hotel?
Gove a few examples of something you’ve already done today (this week/month), something you haven’t done yet and something you’ve just done.
3) Read and listen to the following examples and make a few of your own. https: //www. talkenglish. com/lessondetails. aspx? ALID=2010 https: //www. talkenglish. com/lessondetails. aspx? ALID=2017 https: //www. talkenglish. com/lessondetails. aspx? ALID=2041
Complete the following sentences (using ‘since’ or ‘for’): I’ve been living… I’ve been working… I’ve been studying… Ask your teacher/partner questions with the same verbs starting with ‘How long…? ’
How have you been? (since we last met) I’ve been working a lot/ spending a lot of time with my family/ travelling around Europe. Make short dialogues with your teacher/partner.