Vera’s Music AI Technology ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3
Brain Health and the Right Music for Your Mind So how do we protect ourselves from stress? Stress and trauma are inevitable parts of our lives - there’s no avoiding them. However, you can control your actions after experiencing them and utilize your physiology to help soothe the body. One such way to relax the body and protect brain health is through music therapy. We’ve studied music’s physiological effects for over 100 years. Multiple studies have shown that listening to sedative music or music with a slow tempo leads to a decrease in blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration rate. This is likely due to the link between the ears, vagus nerve, and parasympathetic nervous system. While listening to music is great, you can also stimulate the vagus nerve by making your own music. Think of those “om” or “aum” meditation sounds you do in yoga class - have you ever wondered why they’re used in the practice? The larynx, or voice box, is connected to the vagus nerve. When you sing, hum, or say “om, ” you activate the nerve. If you’re in a pinch and need to calm yourself down, try humming - you’ll likely notice that your heart rate slows and you feel more relaxed. Humming also forces you to control your breathing, which is linked to the vagus nerve. In combination with controlled breathes, activating your vagus nerve will have you closer to zen in no time. Of course, calming the body and relieving stress isn’t the only thing that music can do. It’s also great for stimulating the brain. When you choose the right music for your mind, you can actually put the brain through a workout, which can help improve short and long-term memory recall. It can also increase blood flow, concentration, and help you retain information. Vera’s Music AI Technology The brain needs stimulation in order to stay healthy. It can get used to doing the same old activities, and when it’s no longer challenged it generates fewer new cells. You need to have a reserve of cells to protect your brain from future cell loss. New cells also develop neurological plasticity, which is important for your brain to be able to adapt, rewire, and change itself as you experience new things. This is where Vera comes in! Vera is an AI technology that gets to know you through its sign up process, which allows it to create a music selection that is optimal for your unique brain. Not only does it recognise what your brain needs, but it also takes your favourite genres and artists into account. Once setup is complete, Vera provides you with three playlists to suit different scenarios: Relax, Reminisce, and Energise. With the Relax playlist, you can activate the vagus nerve and calm the PNS, relieving stress. You can also work on memory and neuroplasticity with the Reminisce playlist, or mood and movement with the Energise playlist. Whatever you choose, by harnessing music as the wellness tool that it is, you’ll not only work on your mental health, but also your brain health - all while fighting brain ageing!