Little Red Riding Hood ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Once upon a time there was a little girl who lived with her mother in a little house on the edge of the forest. The girl had a red coat with a hood, so they called her Little Red Riding Hood. One day her mother told Little Red Riding Hood that her Granny was) ill and she needed some medicine. The girl decided to go to her Granny right away. Her mother put some food and some medicine into a basket and Little Red Riding Hood went on her way.
When she was in the middle of the forest, she saw a wolf walking down the path. The wolf asked the girl, Where are you going? Little Red Riding Hood answered: I am going to my grandma. She lives on the other side of the forest. When the wolf heard this, he ran to Granny's house. He went into the house without knocking and quickly ate poor Granny in one big gulp. Then he fell asleep in Granny's bed.
When Little Red Riding Hood came to Granny's house, she knocked on the door, but no one answered. She opened the door, stepped into the house. She saw her Granny who looked very strange. She had big eyes, big ears and a very big mouth with long, sharp teeth. Suddenly she saw it was not her Granny but the big, bad wolf from the forest. But it was too late. The wolf swallowed her in one big gulp. ааааааа
Luckily a woodcutter arrived to Granny's house after a few minutes. When he caught sight of the wolf with a huge belly, he knew what to do. He cut the wolf's belly open and out jumped Granny and Little Red Riding Hood. They were very happy. They had some tea and biscuits and they lived happily ever after.