Устная часть. ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ!. FriendsОГЭ – 2021 Устная часть ЗАКАЗЫВАЙТЕ! 1. ОГЭ-2021 Диалоги и монологи. Образцы устных ответов - 28 вариантов. 2. Банк ФИПИ. ОГЭ-2021 Монологи. Задания из открытого банка ФИПИ 23 варианта с образцами ответов.
https: //vk. com/ege2020englishe - mail: song. pesnya@list. ru
Friends Questions
Do you make friends easily? Yes: I’m very confident, love meeting people, going out, no problem approaching new people and speaking to them, do lots of different activities, member of different clubs so easy to meet people/make friends. No: I’m quite shy, prefer my own company, don’t go out much, too shy to speak to people I don’t know.
Do you often invite friends to visit your home? Yes: love hanging out with friends at home, after school/ at weekends, listening to music, playing computer games, chatting, watching TV No: prefer my own company at home, or being with family, better to meet friends outside home, more to do in town/city, not many activities to do at home, friends would get bored
What do you usually do together with your friends? Like to do activities that don’t cost any money e. g. sport, playing football, swimming/listening to music at home, meeting at a café / like to do activities that are better to do in the company of friendse. g going to the cinema/café
Who is your best friend? My best friend is... (member of family/classmate/neighbor etc) because he/she is good company, fun to be with, likes same activities as me, listens to my problems, will always help me when I can’t do something alone.
Have you ever argued with a friend? (Why? ) Yes: disagreed about how to do something, over plans for a party/holiday etc., didn’t like his/her behaviour towards someone I knew, we aren’t friends now / we apologised to each other and we’re still friends No: I don’t like arguing, I try to avoid arguments when I can, I respect the opinion of my friends so I never argue with them, I don’t think it’s worth arguing over something and losing a friend because of it.