Snow much fun! Bhangra performer from Canada who's become a viral hit with his outdoor routines claims the dance is the secret to contentment and makes him forget his troubles· GurdeepPandher, from the Yukon, went viral with his Bhangra dancing videos · Said he started recording video for his friends but that they blew up online · He told Lorraine the dance was responsible for his positive outlook on life By CLAIRE TOUREILLE FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 11: 01 GMT, 24 February 2021 A dancer from Canada who has gone viral told Lorraine practicing Bhangra has kept him positive. GurdeepPandher, from the Yukon, Canada, has gone viral after spreading joy through Bhangra, a traditional dance from India. Speaking to Lorraine this morning, the dancer, who has shares several videos of himself dancing in Canadian fields and even on snowy days, said the dance was responsible for his positive mental attitude. He said Bhangra helps him forget about his troubles and live in the present, and his joyful videos have caught the attentions of celebrities like Canadian-born actor Ryan Reynolds. Viewers said Gurdeep put a smile on their faces thanks to his positivity. The dancer, speaking via video link from Canada, old Lorraine he started sharing video of his dancing to friends, but soon noticed other people were also interested. 'I noticed people nationally and around the world started watching them. I could see these notifications coming on my computer or phone. It started so naturally and so organically, ' Gurdeep told Lorraine. Bhangra, which originates from Punjab, India, sees dancers execute kicks, jumps and leaps to the sound of a dhol, a double-headed drum. While his first videos only showed Gurdeep practicing the moves alone, since he's gone viral, other people have joined for group videos, and one clip even shows the dancer doing Bhangra to the sound of a bagpipe. Come rain or shine or even heavy snow, Gurdeep has recorded videos of himself dancing Bhangra all around the Yukon. The modest dancer said his good attitude was due to his dancing. Gurdeep came to live in Canada in 2011 and did several road trips around it to learn about his new country. He said he travelled North, South, East and West of Canada to discover all its different region, which brought him to Yukon. He said he fell in love with the people, the open landscape and the wildlife of Yukon and decided to stay there. He's now been in the Yukon for ten years and still loves it. 'Lots of people dance to be joyful and happy, it's all about happiness, ' he said. The positive dancer charmed ITV viewers, who said he put a smile on their faces.