Present Continuous. Take, Read, Play (2x), Go, Watch, Walk, Sing, Write, Do, Travel, Speak, Sleep, Run, Ride, Drive, Fly. 8- Tom _____ a letter to a friend.. 9- At this moment, Tony __ by plane.. 12- Thomas ____ so ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 Present Continuous
Take, Read, Play (2x), Go, Watch, Walk, Sing, Write, Do, Travel, Speak, Sleep, Run, Ride, Drive, Fly
8- Tom _________________ a letter to a friend. 9- At this moment, Tony __________________ by plane.
12- Thomas ________________ so many books. 13- The fat man __________________ around the town.
16- They ______________________ to the theatre.