DEFINING AIMS OF THE LESSON ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 DEFINING AIMS OF THE LESSON TYPES OF AIMS 1. Work in pairs. Read the following six lesson aims. Five of them relate to the same lesson. Which is the odd one out? a) To present and practice the form and use of the present perfect with ever and never. b) By the end of the lesson learners will have talked about and compared past experience. c) By the end of the lesson the learners will be able to express future plans and arrangements. d) The learners will take part in informal conversation. e) To develop my grammar presentation skills. f) The lesson will help to build a good classroom dynamic.
2. Match aims a-f in activity B1 with the terms in the box.
3. Choose the aim that best matches the teacher’s description of the lesson below. What is unsatisfactory about the other aims? a) to do some speaking b) to present and practice the past tense c) to practice writing d) the learners will tell each other stories about past events e) to develop oral fluency when narrating about past events f) by the end of the lesson the learners will have learned some new words I’ m going to start by telling them about a recent holiday I had which was a bit of a disaster, and this will involve some past tense examples. Then I’m going to get them to work in pairs to reconstruct my story in writing, and I’ll check that they have used the same verbs correctly. Then I’ll ask them to think of their own stories, about trips and holidays where things went wrong, and to prepare to tell these stories to each other. To do this they will first need to plan their stories, and I’ll hand out dictionaries so that they can look up any words they might need. Then I’ll put them in pairs to tell their stories. Then I will change pairs so that they can tell their stories again, to someone different. This way they can get more fluent, hopefully.
4. Read the lesson descriptions A and B a) Identify each teacher’s main aims and at least one subsidiary aim b) Formulate each teacher’s aims (both main and subsidiary), using the rubric; By the end of the lesson… Lesson A. I’ve got a short text about a driving instructor. So the students are going to read that and answer a couple of comprehensive questions. I’ve chosen the text because there are lots of examples of the present perfect simple and continuous. So the text is the way of contextualizing the language so that I can contrast the verb forms. Lesson B. I’ve recorded two of my colleagues talking about their weekend, and I’m going to use this as a model for the learners to do the same thing in pairs. There are one or two useful expressions in the recording, such as different ways of expressing evaluation: not bad, pretty good, quite nice etc., so I’ll want to focus on these at some point so that the will use them in the speaking activity.