Discussion questions
Choose a one-word theme for the new year.
I love New Year’s resolutions – and I’m not the only one. Some 44% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions. But resolutions are not only for January. For Elizabeth and me, September is the other New Year. So you can start whenever you like! There’s a kind of resolution that I’ve never made before, but that has always fascinated me: identifying one idea, often summarized in just one word, as an overarching theme for the entire year. My sister often does this kind of resolution. One year was the year of “Free Time. ” Another year was “Hot Wheels” -- that year, she got a car and started driving; she and I have both struggled with a fear of driving, which was much tougher for her, given that she lives in Los Angeles and I live in New York City. Another friend of mine does the same thing. One year, I remember, was “Dark, ” another was “Make. ” I’ve never tried this approach before, but this year I want to give it a try. I knew exactly what word I wanted to pick. My theme for the year is “ Bigger. ” I have to fight the urge to simplify, to keep things manageable; this word will remind me to think big, to tolerate complications, to expect more from myself. Many people work to simplify their lives, but I struggle against the tendency to simplify too much. As Albert Einstein observed, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. ” I heard from someone who chose the theme “Finally Breaking Old Bad Behaviors. ” Great idea. Now, it’s true that some ideas can’t be distilled into a single word, but I do think there’s a special power to the one-word theme. It’s so direct, so memorable. For example, “Finally Breaking Old Bad Behaviors” might be distilled into “Free. ” Discussion questions Why did Gretchen’s sister choose the theme “Hot Wheels”? What was Gretchen’s choice for this year and why? Why is it better to use one word theme? Would you give it a try?