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Related U.S. Application Data 18 страница

US 9, 539, 210 B2

can be prepared with functional groups, e. g., amine or carboxyl groups, available at the surface to facilitate asso­ciation with a biomolecule.

Non-covalent specific binding interactions can be employed. For example, either a particle or a biomolecule can be functionalized with biotin with the other being functionalized with streptavidin. These two moieties spe­cifically bind to each other non-covalently and with a high affinity, thereby associating the particle and the biomolecule. Other specific binding pairs could be similarly used. Alter­nately, histidine-tagged biomolecules can be associated with particles conjugated to nickel-nitrolotriaceteic acid (Ni- NTA).

Any biomolecule to be attached to a particle, targeting moiety, and/or therapeutic agent. The spacer can be, for example, a short peptide chain, e. g., between 1 and 10 amino acids in length, e. g., 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 amino acids in length, a nucleic acid, an alkyl chain, etc.

For additional general information on association and/or conjugation methods and cross-linkers, see the journal Bio­conjugate Chemistry, published by the American Chemical Society, Columbus Ohio, PO Box 3337, Columbus, Ohio, 43210; “Cross-Linking, ” Pierce Chemical Technical Library, available at the Pierce web site and originally published in the 1994-95 Pierce Catalog, and references cited therein; Wong S S, Chemistry of Protein Conjugation and Cross-linking, CRC Press Publishers, Boca Raton, 1991; and Hermanson, G. T., Bioconjugate Techniques, Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, 1996.

Alternatively or additionally, vaccine nanocarriers can be attached to immunomodulatory agents, targeting moieties, immuno stimulatory agents, and/or nanoparticles directly or indirectly via non-covalent interactions. Non-covalent inter­actions include but are not limited to charge interactions, affinity interactions, metal coordination, physical adsorp­tion, host-guest interactions, hydrophobic interactions, TT stacking interactions, hydrogen bonding interactions, van der Waals interactions, magnetic interactions, electrostatic interactions, dipole-dipole interactions, and/or combinations thereof.

In some embodiments, a vaccine nanocarrier may be associated with an immunomodulatory agent, targeting moi­ety, immunostimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle via charge interactions. For example, a vaccine nanocarrier may have a cationic surface or may be reacted with a cationic polymer, such as poly(lysine) or poly(ethylene imine), to provide a cationic surface. The vaccine nanocarrier surface can then bind via charge interactions with a negatively charged immunomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immu­nostimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle. One end of the immunomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immunostimu­latory agent, and/or nanoparticle is, typically, attached to a negatively charged polymer (e. g., a poly(carboxylic acid)) or an additional oligonucleotide sequence that can interact with the cationic polymer surface without disrupting the function of the immunomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immuno stimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle.

In some embodiments, a vaccine nanocarrier may be associated with an immunomodulatory agent, targeting moi­ety, immuno stimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle via affin­ity interactions. For example, biotin may be attached to the surface of the vaccine nanocarrier and streptavidin may be attached to the immunomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immuno stimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle; or con­versely, biotin may be attached to the immunomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immunostimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle and the streptavidin may be attached to the

surface of the vaccine nanocarrier. The biotin group and streptavidin may be attached to the vaccine nanocarrier or to the immunomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immunos­timulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle via a linker, such as an alkylene linker or a polyether linker. Biotin and streptavidin bind via affinity interactions, thereby binding the vaccine nanocarrier to the immunomodulatory agent, targeting moi­ety, immuno stimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle.

In some embodiments, a vaccine nanocarrier may be associated with an immunomodulatory agent, targeting moi­ety, immuno stimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle via metal coordination. For example, a polyhistidine may be attached to one end of the immunomodulatory agent, targeting moi­ety, immuno stimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle, and a nitrilotriacetic acid can be attached to the surface of the vaccine nanocarrier. A metal, such as Ni2+, will chelate the polyhistidine and the nitrilotriacetic acid, thereby binding the immunomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immunos­timulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle to the vaccine nano­carrier.

In some embodiments, a vaccine nanocarrier may be associated with an immunomodulatory agent, targeting moi­ety, immunostimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle via physical adsorption. For example, a hydrophobic tail, such as polymethacrylate or an alkyl group having at least about 10 carbons, may be attached to one end of the immuno­modulatory agent, targeting moiety, immuno stimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle. The hydrophobic tail will adsorb onto the surface of a hydrophobic vaccine nanocarrier, thereby binding the immunomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immunostimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle to the vaccine nanocarrier.

In some embodiments, a vaccine nanocarrier may be associated with an immunomodulatory agent, targeting moi­ety, immunostimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle via host­guest interactions. For example, a macrocyclic host, such as cucurbituril or cyclodextrin, may be attached to the surface of the vaccine nanocarrier and a guest group, such as an alkyl group, a polyethylene glycol, or a diaminoalkyl group, may be attached to the immunomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immunostimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle; or conversely, the host group may be attached to the immuno­modulatory agent, targeting moiety, immuno stimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle and the guest group may be attached to the surface of the vaccine nanocarrier. In some embodiments, the host and/or the guest molecule may be attached to the immunomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immuno stimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle or the vac­cine nanocarrier via a linker, such as an alkylene linker or a polyether linker.

In some embodiments, a vaccine nanocarrier may be associated with an immunomodulatory agent, targeting moi­ety, immunostimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle via hydrogen bonding interactions. For example, an oligonucle­otide having a particular sequence may be attached to the surface of the vaccine nanocarrier, and an essentially complementary sequence may be attached to one or both ends of the immunomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immuno stimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle such that it does not disrupt the function of the immunomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immunostimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle. The immunomodulatory agent, targeting moi­ety, immunostimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle then binds to the vaccine nanocarrier via complementary base pairing with the oligonucleotide attached to the vaccine nanocarrier. Two oligonucleotides are essentially compli­mentary if about 80% of the nucleic acid bases on one


US 9, 539, 210 B2

91 oligonucleotide form hydrogen bonds via an oligonucleotide base pairing system, such as Watson-Crick base pairing, reverse Watson-Crick base pairing, Hoogsten base pairing, etc., with a base on the second oligonucleotide. Typically, it is desirable for an oligonucleotide sequence attached to the vaccine nanocarrier to form at least about 6 complementary base pairs with a complementary oligonucleotide attached to the immunomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immunos­timulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle.

In some embodiments, vaccine nanocarriers are made by self-assembly. For a detailed example of self-assembly of vaccine nanocarriers, see Examples 1 and 2. In certain embodiments, small liposomes (10 nm-1000 nm) are manu­factured and employed to deliver one or multiple immuno­modulatory agents to cells of the immune system (FIG. 3). In general, liposomes are artificially-constructed spherical lipid vesicles, whose controllable diameter from tens to thousands of nm signifies that individual liposomes com­prise biocompatible compartments with volume from zep­toliters (10-21 L) to femtoliters (10-15 L) that can be used to encapsulate and store various cargoes such as proteins, enzymes, DNA and drug molecules. Liposomes may com­prise a lipid bilayer which has an amphiphilic property: both interior and exterior surfaces of the bilayer are hydrophilic, and the bilayer lumen is hydrophobic. Lipophilic molecules can spontaneously embed themselves into liposome mem­brane and retain their hydrophilic domains outside, and hydrophilic molecules can be chemically conjugated to the outer surface of liposome taking advantage of membrane biofunctionality.

In certain embodiments, lipids are mixed with a lipophilic immunomodulatory agent, and then formed into thin films on a solid surface. A hydrophilic immunomodulatory agent is dissolved in an aqueous solution, which is added to the lipid films to hydrolyze lipids under vortex. Liposomes with lipophilic immunomodulatory agents incorporated into the bilayer wall and hydrophilic immunomodulatory agents inside the liposome lumen are spontaneously assembled.

In certain embodiments, a lipid to be used in liposomes can be, but is not limited to, one or a plurality of the following: phosphatidylcholine, lipid A, cholesterol, dolichol, sphingosine, sphingomyelin, ceramide, glycosyl­ceramide, cerebroside, sulfatide, phytosphingosine, phos- phatidyl-ethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphati­dylinositol, phosphatidylserine, cardiolipin, phosphatidic acid, and lyso-phophatides. In certain embodiments, an immunomodulatory agent can be conjugated to the surface of a liposome. In some embodiments, the liposome carries an identical or a non-identical immunomodulatory agent inside. In some embodiments, the liposome surface mem­brane can be modified with targeting moieties that can selectively deliver the immunomodulatory agent(s) to spe­cific antigen expressing cells.

In some embodiments, nanoparticle-stabilized liposomes are used to deliver one or a plurality of immunomodulatory agents to cells of the immune system (FIG. 4). By allowing small charged nanoparticles (1 nm-30 nm) to adsorb on liposome surface, liposome-nanoparticle complexes have not only the merits of aforementioned bare liposomes (FIG. 3), but also tunable membrane rigidity and controllable liposome stability. When small charged nanoparticles approach the surface of liposomes carrying either opposite charge or no net charge, electrostatic or charge-dipole inter­action between nanoparticles and membrane attracts the nanoparticles to stay on the membrane surface, being par­tially wrapped by lipid membrane. This induces local mem­brane bending and globule surface tension of liposomes,

both of which enable tuning of membrane rigidity. This aspect is significant for vaccine delivery using liposomes to mimic viruses whose stiffness depends on the composition of other biological components within virus membrane. Moreover, adsorbed nanoparticles form a charged shell which protects liposomes against fusion, thereby enhancing liposome stability. In certain embodiments, small nanopar­ticles are mixed with liposomes under gentle vortex, and the nanoparticles stick to liposome surface spontaneously. In specific embodiments, small nanoparticles can be, but are not limited to, polymeric nanoparticles, metallic nanopar­ticles, inorganic or organic nanoparticles, hybrids thereof, and/or combinations thereof.

In some embodiments, liposome-polymer nanocarriers are used to deliver one or a plurality of immunomodulatory agents to cells of the immune system (FIG. 5). Instead of keeping the liposome interior hollow, hydrophilic immuno­modulatory agents can be encapsulated. FIG. 3 shows lipo­somes that are loaded with di-block copolymer nanoparticles to form liposome-coated polymeric nanocarriers, which have the merits of both liposomes and polymeric nanopar­ticles, while excluding some of their limitations. In some embodiments, the liposome shell can be used to carry lipophilic or conjugate hydrophilic immunomodulatory agents, and the polymeric core can be used to deliver hydrophobic immunomodulatory agents.

In certain embodiments, pre-formulated polymeric nano­particles (40 nm-1000 nm) are mixed with small liposomes (20 nm-100 nm) under gentle vortex to induce liposome fusion onto polymeric nanoparticle surface. In specific embodiments, di-block copolymer nanoparticles can be, but are not limited to, one or a plurality of following: polyG-^lactic acid)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) (PLA-b- PEG), polyl/. jglycolic acid)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) (PLG-b-PEG), polyQ, /lactic-co-glycolic acid)-block-poly (ethylene glycol) (PLGA-b-PEG), and poly(e-caprolac- tone)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) (PCL-b-PEG).

In some embodiments, nanoparticle-stabilized liposome- polymer nanocarriers are used to deliver one or a plurality of immunomodulatory agents (FIG. 6). By adsorbing small nanoparticles (1 nm-30 nm) to the liposome-polymer nano­carrier surface, the nanocarrier has not only the merit of both aforementioned nanoparticle-stabilized liposomes (FIG. 4) and aforementioned liposome-polymer nanoparticles (FIG. 5), but also tunable membrane rigidity and controllable liposome stability.

In some embodiments, liposome-polymer nanocarriers containing reverse micelles are used to deliver one or a plurality of immunomodulatory agents (FIG. 7). Since the aforementioned liposome-polymer nanocarriers (FIGS. 5 and 6) are limited to carry hydrophobic immunomodulatory agents within polymeric nanoparticles, here small reverse micelles (1 nm-20 nm) are formulated to encapsulate hydro­philic immunomodulatory agents and then mixed with the di-block copolymers to formulate polymeric core of lipo­somes.

In certain embodiments, a hydrophilic immunomodula­tory agent to be encapsulated is first incorporated into reverse micelles by mixing with naturally derived and non-toxic amphiphilic entities in a volatile, water-miscible organic solvent. In certain embodiments, the amphiphilic entity can be, but is not limited to, one or a plurality of the following: phosphatidylcholine, lipid A, cholesterol, dolichol, shingosine, sphingomyelin, ceramide, glycosylce­ramide, cerebroside, sulfatide, phytosphingosine, phospha­tidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphati­dylinositol, phosphatidylserine, cardiolipin, phosphatidic


US 9, 539, 210 B2

acid, and lysophophatides. In some embodiments, the vola­tile, water-miscible organic solvent can be, but is not limited to: tetrahydrofuran, acetone, acetonitrile, or dimethylforma­mide. In some embodiments, a biodegradable polymer is added to this mixture after reverse micelle formation is complete. The resulting biodegradable polymer-reverse micelle mixture is combined with a polymer-insoluble hydrophilic non-solvent to form nanoparticies by the rapid diffusion of the solvent into the non-solvent and evaporation of the organic solvent. In certain embodiments, the polymer- insoluble hydrophilic non-solvent can be, but is not limited to one or a plurality of the following: water, ethanol, methanol, and mixtures thereof. Reverse micelle contained polymeric nanoparticies are mixed with lipid molecules to form the aforementioned liposome-polymer complex struc­ture (FIG. 5).

In some embodiments, nanoparticle-stabilized liposome- polymer nanocarriers containing reverse micelles are used to deliver one or a plurality of immunomodulatory agents (FIG. 8). By adsorbing small nanoparticies (1 nm-30 nm) to a liposome-polymer nanocarrier surface, the nanocarrier has not only the merit of both aforementioned nanoparticle- stabilized liposomes (FIG. 4) and aforementioned reverse micelle contained liposome-polymer nanoparticies (FIG. 7), but also tunable membrane rigidity and controllable lipo­some stability.

In some embodiments, lipid monolayer stabilized poly­meric nanocarriers are used to deliver one or a plurality of immunomodulatory agents (FIG. 9). As compared to afore­mentioned liposome-polymer nanocarrier (FIGS. 5-8), this system has the merit of simplicity in terms to both agents and manufacturing. In some embodiments, a hydrophobic homopolymer can form the polymeric core in contrast to the di-block copolymer used in FIGS. 5-8, which has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic segments. Lipid-stabilized polymeric nanocarriers can be formed within one single step instead of formulating polymeric nanoparticle and liposome separately followed by fusing them together.

In certain embodiments, a hydrophilic immunomodula­tory molecule is first chemically conjugated to lipid head- group. The conjugate is mixed with a certain ratio of unconjugated lipid molecules in an aqueous solution con­taining one or more water-miscible solvents. In certain embodiments, the amphiphilic entity can be, but is not limited to, one or a plurality of the following: phosphati­dylcholine, lipid A, cholesterol, dolichol, shingosine, sphin­gomyelin, ceramide, cerebroside, sulfatide, phytosphin­gosine, phosphatidylethanolamine, glycosylceramide, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidyl­serine, cardiolipin, phosphatidic acid, and lysophosphatides. In some embodiments, the water miscible solvent can be, but is not limited to: acetone, ethanol, methanol, and isopropyl alcohol. A biodegradable polymeric material is mixed with the hydrophobic immunomodulatory agents to be encapsu­lated in a water miscible or partially water miscible organic solvent. In specific embodiments, the biodegradable poly­mer can be, but is not limited to one or a plurality of the following: poly(D, L-lactic acid), poly(D, L -glycolic acid), poly(e-caprolactone), or their copolymers at various molar ratios. In some embodiments, the water miscible organic solvent can be but is not limited to: acetone, ethanol, methanol, or isopropyl alcohol. In some embodiments, the partially water miscible organic solvent can be, but is not limited to: acetonitrile, tetrahydrofuran, ethyl acetate, iso­propyl alcohol, isopropyl acetate, or dimethylformamide. The resulting polymer solution is added to the aqueous solution of conjugated and unconjugated lipid to yield

nanoparticies by the rapid diffusion of the organic solvent into the water and evaporation of the organic solvent.

In some embodiments, lipid monolayer stabilized poly­meric nanoparticies comprising reverse micelles are used to deliver one or a plurality of immunomodulatory agents (FIG. 10). Since the aforementioned lipid-stabilized poly­meric nanocarriers (FIG. 9) are limited to carry hydrophobic immunomodulatory agents, here, small reverse micelles (1 nm-20 nm) are formulated to encapsulate hydrophilic immu­nomodulatory agents and mixed with biodegradable poly­mers to form polymeric nanocarrier core.

It is to be understood that the compositions of the inven­tion can be made in any suitable manner, and the invention is in no way limited to compositions that can be produced using the methods described herein. Selection of an appro­priate method may require attention to the properties of the particular moieties being associated.

If desired, various methods may be used to separate vaccine nanocarriers with an attached immunomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immunostimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle from vaccine nanocarriers to which the immu­nomodulatory agent, targeting moiety, immuno stimulatory agent, and/or nanoparticle has not become attached, or to separate vaccine nanocarriers having different numbers of immunomodulatory agents, targeting moieties, immunos­timulatory agents, and/or nanoparticies attached thereto. For example, size exclusion chromatography, agarose gel elec­trophoresis, or filtration can be used to separate populations of vaccine nanocarriers having different numbers of entities attached thereto and/or to separate vaccine nanocarriers from other entities. Some methods include size-exclusion or anion-exchange chromatography.

In some embodiments, inventive vaccine nanocarriers are manufactured under sterile conditions. This can ensure that resulting vaccines are sterile and non-infectious, thus improving safety when compared to live vaccines. This provides a valuable safety measure, especially when sub­jects receiving vaccine have immune defects, are suffering from infection, and/or are susceptible to infection.

In some embodiments, inventive vaccine nanocarriers may be lyophilized and stored in suspension or as lyophilized powder depending on the formulation strategy for extended periods without losing activity.


The compositions and methods described herein can be used to induce, enhance, suppress, direct, or redirect an immune response. The compositions and methods described herein can be used for the prophylaxis and/or treatment of any cancer, infectious disease, metabolic disease, degenera­tive disease, autoimmune disease, allergic disease, inflam­matory disease, immunological disease, or other disorder and/or condition. The compositions and methods described herein can also be used for the treatment of an addiction, such as an addiction to any of the addictive substances described herein. The compositions and methods described herein can also be used for the prophylaxis and/or treatment of a condition resulting from the exposure to a toxin, hazardous substance, environmental toxin, or other harmful agent. Subjects include, but are not limited to, humans and/or other primates; mammals, including commercially relevant mammals such as cattle, pigs, horses, sheep, cats, and/or dogs; and/or birds, including commercially relevant birds such as chickens, ducks, geese, and/or turkeys.

In some embodiments, vaccine nanocarriers in accor­dance with the present invention may be used to treat, alleviate, ameliorate, relieve, delay onset of, inhibit progres­sion of, reduce severity of, and/or reduce incidence of one or


US 9, 539, 210 B2

more symptoms or features of a disease, disorder, and/or condition. In some embodiments, inventive vaccine nano­carriers may be used to treat, alleviate, ameliorate, relieve, delay onset of, inhibit progression of, reduce severity of, and/or reduce incidence of one or more symptoms or fea­tures of microbial infection (e. g. bacterial infection, fungal infection, viral infection, parasitic infection, etc. ).

In one aspect of the invention, a method for the prophy­laxis and/or treatment of a disease, disorder, or condition (e. g., a microbial infection) is provided. In some embodi­ments, the prophylaxis and/or treatment of the disease, disorder, or condition comprises administering a therapeu­tically effective amount of inventive vaccine nanocarriers to a subject in need thereof, in such amounts and for such time as is necessary to achieve the desired result. In certain embodiments of the present invention a “therapeutically effective amount” of an inventive vaccine nanocarrier is that amount effective for treating, alleviating, ameliorating, relieving, delaying onset of, inhibiting progression of, reducing severity of, and/or reducing incidence of one or more symptoms or features of microbial infection. In some embodiments, a “therapeutically effective amount” is an amount effective to modulate the immune system. Such an amount may be an immunogenic amount, i. e., an amount sufficient to elicit a detectable immune response in a subject, e. g., a detectable antibody response and/or detectable T cell response.

Inventive prophylactic and/or therapeutic protocols involve administering a therapeutically effective amount of one or more inventive vaccine nanocarriers to a healthy subject (e. g., a subject who does not display any symptoms of microbial infection and/or who has not been diagnosed with microbial infection; a subject who has not yet been exposed to a toxin, a subject who has not yet ingested an abused or addictive substance, etc. ). For example, healthy individuals may be vaccinated using inventive vaccine nano­carrier^) prior to development of microbial infection, expo­sure to the toxin, abused substance, addictive substance, etc. and/or onset of symptoms related thereto; at risk individuals (e. g., patients exposed to individuals suffering from micro­bial infection, traveling to locations where microbes/toxins are prevalent; etc. ) can be treated substantially contempo­raneously with (e. g., within 48 hours, within 24 hours, or within 12 hours of) the onset of symptoms of and/or expo- sure/ingestion. Of course individuals known to have micro­bial infection, have been exposed to a toxin, or ingested an abused or additive substance may receive treatment at any time.

In some embodiments, inventive prophylactic and/or therapeutic protocols involve administering a therapeuti­cally effective amount of one or more inventive vaccine nanocarriers to a subject such that an immune response is stimulated in both T cells and В cells.

In some embodiments, by combining selected immuno­modulatory agents with targeting moieties and immunos­timulatory agents for different APCs, immune responses (e. g. effector responses) can be tailored to preferentially elicit the most desirable type of immune response for a given indication, e. g., humoral response, type 1 T cell response, type 2 T cell response, cytotoxic T cell, response, and/or a combination of these responses. Thus, the same platform may be used for a broad range of different clinical applica­tions, including prophylactic vaccines to a host of pathogens

as well as immunotherapy of existing diseases, such as infections, allergies, autoimmune diseases, and/or cancer.

Cancers include but are not limited to biliary tract cancer; brain cancer; breast cancer; cervical cancer; choriocarci­noma; colon cancer; endometrial cancer; esophageal cancer; gastric cancer; intraepithelial neoplasms; lymphomas; liver cancer; lung cancer (e. g., small cell and non-small cell); melanoma; neuroblastomas; oral cancer; ovarian cancer; pancreatic cancer; prostate cancer; rectal cancer; sarcomas; skin cancer; testicular cancer; thyroid cancer; and renal cancer, as well as other carcinomas and sarcomas.

Autoimmune diseases include, but are not limited to, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic fever, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, diabetes mellitus, juve­nile diabetes, spontaneous autoimmune diabetes, gastritis, autoimmune atrophic gastritis, autoimmune hepatitis, thy­roiditis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, autoimmune thyroiditis, insulitis, oophoritis, orchitis, uveitis, phacogenic uveitis, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, primary myxoedema, thyrotoxicosis, pernicious anemia, autoimmune haemolytic anemia, Addison’s disease, scleroderma, Goodpasture’s syndrome, Guillain-Barre syndrome, Graves’ disease, glom­erulonephritis, psoriasis, pemphigus vulgaris, pemphigoid, sympathetic opthalmia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic pur­pura, idiopathic feucopenia, Siogren’s syndrome, Wegener’s granulomatosis, poly/dermatomyositis or systemic lupus erythematosus.

Allergic diseases include, but are not limited to, eczema, allergic rhinitis or coryza, hay fever, conjunctivitis, asthma, urticaria (hives), topic allergic reactions, food allergies, anaphylaxis, atopic dermatitis, hypersensitivity reactions, and other allergic conditions. The allergic reaction may be the result of an immune reaction to any allergen including but not limited to, common dust, pollen, plants, animal dander, drugs, food allergens, insect venom, viruses, or bacteria.

Inflammatory disease/disorders include, for example, car­diovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchiectasis, chronic cholecystitis, tuberculosis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, sepsis, sarcoidosis, silicosis and other pneumoconioses, and an implanted foreign body in a wound, but are not so limited. As used herein, the term “sepsis” refers to a well-recognized clinical syndrome asso­ciated with a host’s systemic inflammatory response to microbial invasion. The term “sepsis” as used herein refers to a condition that is typically signaled by fever or hypo­thermia, tachycardia, and tachypnea, and in severe instances can progress to hypotension, organ dysfunction, and even death.

Pharmaceutical Compositions

The present invention provides novel compositions com­prising a therapeutically effective amount of one or more vaccine nanocarriers and one or more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients. In some embodiments, the present invention provides for pharmaceutical compositions com­prising inventive vaccine nanocarriers and/or any of the compositions thereof described herein. Such pharmaceutical compositions may optionally comprise one or more addi­tional therapeutically-active substances. In accordance with some embodiments, a method of administering a pharma­ceutical composition comprising inventive compositions to a subject in need thereof is provided. In some embodiments, inventive compositions are administered to humans. For the purposes of the present invention, the phrase “active ingre­dient” generally refers to an inventive vaccine nanocarrier comprising at least one immunomodulatory agent and



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