Countable and Uncountable. 3- When you talk about uncountable foods you use ‘some’ or a quantity. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Countable and Uncountable 1-
2- When you talk about countable foods you use: a/an for singular some/a number for plural e. g. Do you have an apple? Can I have six eggs? Ask for some of these foods: Can I have ________ egg? Do you have ______ tomatoes? Can I have ______ mushrooms? Do you have _____ orange? Can I have _______ plums? Do you have _____ steak? 3- When you talk about uncountable foods you use ‘some’ or a quantity. e. g. Can I have a tin of sweet corn? or Do you have some honey? Match these foods to their quantities: milk beer butter cheese sweet corn honey tin slice jar bottle pint knob