Sound waves in micro-magnets ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Sound waves in micro-magnets In analogy to photons—the quanta of light—vibrations in a solid body can be described as so-called phonons. These small sound wave packets propagate through the crystal lattice of the solid. " The phonons are very isolated and interact with the movement of the particle motion only through magnetic waves, " explains one of the researchers, " in our work, we now show that this interaction can be controlled by a magnetic field. " This enables quantum experiments without photons, and therefore even with light-absorbing particles. The scientists also show that the strong interaction between motion and phonons provides a path to probe and manipulate the elusive and exotic dynamics of acoustic and magnetic waves in very small particles. The new method also opens up new possibilities for quantum information processing, for example, by using phonons as a quantum memory. Adapted from: https: //phys. org/news/2020-03-cooling-magnets. html