Confusing words - part 4. Contents. 1. ABUSE / MISUSE. 2. ADVERSE / AVERSE. 3. ALLOW / LETConfusing words - part 4 Contents 1. ABUSE / MISUSE_____________________________________________ 2 2. ADVERSE / AVERSE___________________________________________ 2 3. ALLOW / LET________________________________________________ 2 4. ANCESTOR / DESCENDANT / PREDECESSOR________________________ 2 5. ASSURE / ENSURE / INSURE____________________________________ 2 6. BAKE / FRY_________________________________________________ 2 7. BERTH / BIRTH_______________________________________________ 3 8. BORN / BORNE_______________________________________________ 3 9. CANVAS / CANVASS___________________________________________ 3 10. CENT / SCENT / SENT_________________________________________ 3 11. CITE / SIGHT / SITE___________________________________________ 3 12. COMIC / COMICAL____________________________________________ 3 13. CONSIDER / REGARD AS_______________________________________ 4 14. CREDIBLE / CREDULOUS_______________________________________ 4 15. DEFECTIVE / DEFICIENT_______________________________________ 4 16. DISCOVER / INVENT__________________________________________ 4 17. EATABLE / EDIBLE____________________________________________ 4 18. EMINENT / IMMINENT_________________________________________ 4 19. EXTEND /EXTENT / EXTANT_____________________________________ 4 20. FELL / FELT_________________________________________________ 5 21. FLOUR / FLOWER_____________________________________________ 5 22. HAPPY / LUCKY______________________________________________ 5 23. HOMEWORK / HOUSEWORK_____________________________________ 5 24. IN TIME / ON TIME____________________________________________ 5 25. INTENSE / INTENSIVE_________________________________________ 5 26. LAST / LATEST / LATTER________________________________________ 5 27. LIGHT / SLIGHT______________________________________________ 6 28. MEASURE / MEASUREMENT_____________________________________ 6 29. MORNING / MOURNING________________________________________ 6 30. OFFICIAL / OFFICIOUS________________________________________ 6 31. OUTBREAK / OUTBURST________________________________________ 6 32. PERMISSION / PERMIT_________________________________________ 6 33. PRACTICE / PRACTISE_________________________________________ 7 34. PROOF / PROVE______________________________________________ 7 35. RELATION / RELATIONSHIP_____________________________________ 7 36. SCENE / SEEN_______________________________________________ 7 37. SEW / SOW_________________________________________________ 7 38. SOMETIME / SOMETIMES_______________________________________ 7 39. URBAN / URBANE_____________________________________________ 8 40. WEED / WHEAT / WE’D________________________________________ 8
Choose the correct word from the following pairs: 1. ABUSE / MISUSE 1. She is continually ___________ her position by getting other people do things for her. 2. She’s been accused of ___________ federal funds to pay for her son’s private school expenses. 3. This new computer system is completely unnecessary and a ___________ of taxpayers’ money. 4. If you ___________ your body now, you’ll pay the price when you’re older. 2. ADVERSE / AVERSE 1. So far the drug is thought not to have any ___________ effects. 2. He attracted a lot of ___________ publicity with his speech about unmarried mothers. 3. I’m not ___________ to the occasional glass of champagne. 4. Would you be ___________ to having the meeting at your house? 3. ALLOW / LET 1. Why don’t you ________ me go? All my friends are going. 2. I would not ________ a child to have a TV or a computer in their room. 3. We don’t ________ employees use the office telephone for personal calls. 4. How much time do you ________ yourself to get ready in the morning?