European Solidarity Corps Volunteering application
Name of the ESC project in Finland you are applying to: (Check details from Maailmanvaihto’s website: https: //maailmanvaihto. fi/en/volunteer-in-finland/esc-available-projects) When are you available for the ESC project? For how many months in total? (For example: 01/2012–01/2013 – 12 months) Your European Solidarity Corps participant reference number: (You will get the reference number after registering for the European Solidarity Corps. Please, register here: https: //europa. eu/youth/solidarity_en) Name, Quality Label number or OID number of your sending supporting organisation: Contact person of your sending supporting organisation (name, e-mail, phone number):
1. CONTACT INFORMATION Personal information:
Other trainings/courses:
Your mother tongue:
Other languages you speak:
Were you able to write this application in English yourself? Yes, I managed to write this application myself. No, I needed some help in writing this application.
3. PERSONAL DESCRIPTION Describe your personality briefly: (Include your strengths and weaknesses)
Describe your hobbies, special skills and interests:
What are your future plans?
What is your understanding of volunteer work?
Do you have allergies (food, animal hair, etc. ) or follow a special diet? If yes, please describe here:
Do you have any physical or mental health issues? If yes, please describe the issue and the support you would need: (We ask this question to find out if we are able to provide you the support you may need. ) Do you smoke? YES NO
4. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE AND CURRENT SITUATION Please describe your work experience: (Duration of your employment and tasks you performed) Please describe your local or international volunteer experience:
(For example: camps, conferences, exchange studies etc. Please, also mention the length of the period abroad. )
(Do you live in the city, countryside, small town? Do you live alone, or with parents, spouse, friends? ) At the moment you are… working unemployed studying other: ____________________________ Details of your situation: (Where do you work? Do you have permanent/temporary/part-time job? How long have you been unemployed? What and where do you study? )