Free Hosting: Invisible Disadvantages One Should KnowFree Hosting: Invisible Disadvantages One Should Know The question of choosing a hosting always arises for those who want to create their own website. The concept of " hosting" is renting space for a website on the server's hard disk. Also, in addition to this, hosting companies provide certain additional services, which include support for databases, programming languages, mailboxes etc.
Free hosting: the main disadvantages Speaking of free hosting, you need to list all those disadvantages that users pay the least attention to. So let's get started. 1. Payment for additional services Many modern free hosting companies charge for various additional services. As a rule, this happens for using a specific programming language and providing access to various databases. For any Internet site, this free hosting immediately becomes paid. Completely free hosting can allow you to save on technical support. Also, if you want the best, affordable and reliable hosting, try $1 Hosting Canada, which is the best of all.
2. Mandatory advertising Almost all free hosting services require mandatory advertising on every page of the site. This is a special fee for free hosting in USA. It is noteworthy here that mandatory advertising will occupy the best and most prominent places. In addition, free hosting involves getting quite serious restrictions on the placement of your own advertising; this is a serious disadvantage of such hosting. 3. Traffic restriction All modern hosting companies have a special limit on monthly traffic for a website. This limit is basically 5 or 10 GB per month. For the visited Internet resources, this is extremely small. When the monthly traffic limit is reached, the site will stop working by the end of the current month. The disadvantages of free hosting are quite significant.