Grandma. Father. Mother. Teenage Boy. Teenage GirlСтр 1 из 4Следующая ⇒ Grandma You think everyone in your family is crazy, except for yourself, of course. Maybe when they get older they will become wise, like you. Sometimes you are able to help them communicate and solve their problems. Some things you can say: " Everyone calm down! " " Tell me what's wrong. " " I think you should ___________"
Father You want to be a " cool dad", so you like to play and make jokes with your children. You don't like to be too strict with them. You can't understand why your older son likes to study so much. You think he is too serious. Some things you can say: " Hey son, how's it hangin'? " " Okay, you do can do that, but don't tell mom. " " Let's play a family game of basketball! "
Mother You want your children to grow up safe and healthy, so you are quite strict with them. You wish your daughter would study as much as her brother. Some things you can say: " Eat your vegetables! " " Tonight you must [clean your room / study / babysit you little brother / etc. ]. " " Why? Because I said so. " " I'm your mother, so I know what's good for you. "
Teenage Boy You like to spend time alone to study and read books. Your mother thinks this is good, but she always makes you do housework and eat food that you don't like. Some things you can say: " Why do I have to do it? " " Just leave me alone. " " You don't understand me. "
Teenage Girl You love to play sports, but you have little time because your mother always makes you study and babysit your little brother. You love your little brother, but he is so annoying! At least your dad likes to play sports with you. Some things you can say: " Little brother, stop it! " " Can I go play volleyball with my friends? " " But mom, dad said I can go to the volleyball game! "
Little Brother You think the most fun game in the world is to annoy your older brother and sister. You like to sing songs loudly when they are studying, steal their things, tell your mother when they do something wrong, etc. Some things you can say: " Why are you angry? I didn't do anything! " " I'm bored. " " Mom, big sis didn't do her homework! " " Can I have some candy? "