EST MTV 06 IN DOWN TOWN TALLINN 01.10 - 22.12.2019 KIDS/ TEACH 2 volsEST MTV 06 IN DOWN TOWN TALLINN 01. 10 - 22. 12. 2019 KIDS/ TEACH 2 vols Hosting project The Language school In Down-Town is a well-known school in Tallinn, Estonia. In this school both youngsters and adults learn different languages: Es tonian, English, French, German and Spanish. Except of language lessons students also have chance to attend Conversational Club “Listen Twice”, where they can practice their language skills, participate in workshops, communicate with other kids and volunteers. Volunteers work with any kid or teen of Tallinn city who wants to join the club activities on the regular or time-to-time visit basis. However, the majority of club members are the junior students of the NGO Language School “In Down-Town” who belong to three main target groups- children of 7-10 years old, teens aged 11-16 and young adults. About 100 school children of Tallinn city may attend different club sessions or activities during the week and also on Saturdays. The majority belongs to the Russian-speaking community. Project activities take place in the venue of The Language School “In Down-Town”. Work in club Volunteers are expected to support activities of the “Listen Twice” Conversational Club which lie within the multicultural education and cross-cultural learning activities as well as participate in the school’s activities, communicate closely with teens and kids, co-operate with the In Down-Town teachers and staff, become the leaders of social or cultural or applied language and art or media projects for teens. Among the activities volunteers will carry on are: - Conducting the club sessions and being the leader of teenagers’ cross- or multicultural projects, - Assisting the teens and helping them with ideas for their educational projects within the In Down-Town curriculum framework, - Preparing and conducting the activities in the subject of the students projects, competitions, sub-projects or theme presentations, - Organizing team works, group discussions, excursions, informal study visits, tours, picnics, holiday events, some special events for the school’s students, etc. - Developing new club trends and workshops, - Assisting in club’s office work as well as in public promotion, - Helping in other required though relevant activities, - When needed assisting the kids during classes. The educational club work in multicultural issues is organized though three main club workshops- Handicrafts Club, Performing Arts Club, Micro Media Club, Adults Club, Special learning projects based on the study topics are held within each of them. Included among the activities for youth there can be amateur drama performances, making quizzes and presentations or debates on history, geography, culture or literature of Estonia and other European countries, producing piece of amateur art or handicraft, visits to different cultural and educational institutions, preparing and participation in other school’s projects and events, etc. Volunteers are responsible for direct contacts with teens to provide educational club sessions of the mentioned workshops, evaluate regularly the progress of the project as well as be responsible for the Annual Exhibition “Multicultural and Global Issues for Teens”. The Conversational Club activities are educational but they are NOT regular language learning classes. The volunteers may only be asked to help building up a multicultural background in the class through games, discussions and group work. Volunteers are also expected to come to the project keeping in mind an idea for their personal projects to be realized within the project work. The personal project of the volunteer may include written set of leaflets, club album, creating a radio club station or a website, organize a drama tour or recording a film involving teenagers into these activities, or others. The personal volunteer’s project always depends on the volunteer’s interests and skills.