HWID BINDING FEATURES. PX is connected to the hardware and operating system’s configuration. This is so called HWID. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
HWID BINDING FEATURES PX is connected to the hardware and operating system’s configuration. This is so called HWID. HWID binding is a security measure against unauthorized 3rd-persons usage. PXdoes not allow the joint use. Only 1 computer / session.
PX supports HWID rebinding. Certain time since the last binding should be observed: - For “Standart” PX: it should be passed 72 hours (3 days) from the moment of the last binding. Only after that it would be possible to reconnect to another computer. - For “Premium” and “Premium+” PX - it should be passed 48 hours (2 days) from the moment of the last binding.
When you start PX from a new PC / from a new configuration, PX will warn about HWID error (HWID doesn’t match). Also, it will offer to press Num 9 in order to reset HWID binding:
a) If everything is going well: after clicking Num9 the PX will notify about that you need to restart the game. b) If the certain time since the last binding is not observed, the PX will notify about that you could reset only once every 3 days. Premium users could wait 2 days. At this case the PX will also show an accurate date (including the time) of the last HWID reset.