


Случайная статья

Postcolonial Criticism. Marxist Criticism, New Historicism and Cultural Materialism. Ecocriticism


Writing Assignment 2:

Answer one of the following questions:

Postcolonial Criticism

Derek Walcott is often quoted as a good example of a postcolonial writer who writes across borders and nations. Do a postcolonial reading of his poem “A Far Cry from Africa” in which you try to apply some of the key concepts introduced by Barry, such as the “awareness of representations of the non-European ‘Other, ’” the importance of language, identity as doubled, or hybrid, and the “stress on cross-cultural interactions. ” Is the poem an example of the first or second phase of postcolonialism? (Barry 189-190). (700-1000 words, double-spaced)


You can find more information about Walcott on

http: //www. postcolonialweb. org/caribbean/walcott/walcottov. html



Marxist Criticism, New Historicism and Cultural Materialism


1. Read chapter 6 in Texts and Contexts, “Biographical, Historical, and New Historical Criticism” (121-164- uploaded in the course materials). Make sure that you also have read the introduction to psychological criticism in Barry which will help you. Follow Lynn’s instructions under “Practicing Biographical, Historical, and New Historical Criticism”. Choose one of the three questions there and write a short essay-type response, 700-1000 words.





1. What is the difference between ecocriticism and the other theories we have studied in this course (except liberal humanism), according to Barry? Consider the criticism leveled against the term ‘nature’ in theories of ideology, why is the ecocritical concept of nature so controversial? Does Solar’s engagement with climate changehelpillustrate the problem?  Write a short essay-type response, 700-1000 words.



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