Ex.2. Listen to the song and tick the traditions you hear. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Ex. 2. Listen to the song and tick the traditions you hear. 1. Hear that sleigh, Santa's on his way 2. Got ourselves the finest snowman in the neighborhood 3. Let’s decorate the door with mistletoe 4. Let's all deck the halls and light the lights 5. Get a toasty fire burning bright 6. We take a photo with gifts under Christmas tree 7. We can cuddle up and do our Christmas dreaming
Do you like the song? You have two minutes to compare your answers with you partner. Now let’s discuss all together. What traditions did you choose? Read them please. Great!
(if your students have difficulties, you can print the lyrics and let them underline these traditions) 4) Этап после прослушивания. Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box in an appropriate form. Santa's sleigh
1. Stand up please! I’d like to take a photo where we ____________ altogether. 2. There is such a ___________ in a fireplace! 3. The Browns live in the ______________. It takes me two minutes to get there. 4. One of the favorite symbol of Christmas is ____________. 5. Did you ____________? It’s getting dark. 6. We _________________ now and we need a carrot to make a nose. 7. British people always ____________ for Christmas. It makes their homes beautiful and gives the spirit of holiday.
(check this task one by one) 5) Рефлексия. To finish a lesson, ask your students to continue the sentence “The most surprising thing that I have learnt today was…” orally.